Richard Reichard

Richard Reichard is the Democratic candidate for Congress in which encompasses all of Staten Island and the Brooklyn neighborhoods Gravesend, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, and Bay Ridge. His opponent is incumbent Republican Daniel Donovan. Richard Reichard received the nomination of the Democratic Party of Staten Island on March 3, 2016.
Reichard is a former President of the influential Staten Island Democratic Association (SIDA), the Island's oldest and largest Democratic club and is currently the organization's Issues Chair. He earned the reputation of being a policy wonk by being a prolific writer of issues, white papers, and letters to the editor, as well as organizing well attended rallies around important issues such as protecting Social Security.

A resident of West Brighton, Reichard was born in Richmond Hill Queens in 1953. Although he was born in Queens, Reichard's Dutch ancestors settled on Staten Island in the 17th Century. He is also of English, German, Irish and Italian heritage.
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