Rewilding the gut

Rewilding the gut is a process that re-introduces lost and introduces new microorganisms to one's gut. Benefits, methods of introduction, and cautions are discussed below.
There is growing evidence that modern lifestyles experienced in developed countries reduce the diversity of the human hut microbiome.,,,. For example, the gut microbiome of the members of Yanomami tribe (on the border of Venezuela and Brazil) has the highest diversity of bacterial species and gene functions of any human group. Another study shows a greater diversity of bacterial species and gene functions in a hunter-gatherer tribe in Tanzania in comparison to urban Italians.
There are several reasons for the diminished gut microbiome diversity in modern societies: extensive use of antibiotics, high levels of hygiene, high prevalence of preservatives in foods, and processed foods that significantly differ from those that humans evolved with.
Rewilding the gut microbiome is an emerging concept that has already been shown as beneficial, as is the case of probiotics and fecal transplants.
Methods that will likely rewild gut microbiome
* Wash hands less frequently
* Eat less food that contains preservatives
* Take antibiotics only when you are diagnosed with a bacterial infection
* Eat yogurt frequently
* Go out and play in dirt
* Eat with your hands (not utensils or chopsticks)
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