Human Reserve Theory

This article is about a hypothesis regarding why humans exists in the manner that they do.
This hypothesis illustrates that human life is in it's existence, given the manner that it is, because we were placed here by a higher or more knowing power for certain immediate or impending reasons. Many interpretations of the Human Reserve Hypothesis have been constructed. Closely related to the Zoo Hypothesis, this hypothesis proposes that the Human race was simply placed on planet Earth to reserve us or keep us alive, sanctioned away from the rest of the universe for a specific purpose.
Human Epidemic Interpretation
The analogy of humans as a virus has been around for quite some time, many prefer to think of ourselves as some highly pathogenic bacteria.
The Earth has many relationships which maintain a balance. Periodically it gets sick, or is attacked, and portions of that body die. Then along comes Homo sapiens, growing much like a bacterial colony. Initial lag, followed by an exponential or logarithmic growth. We have yet to reach the stationary phase or carrying capacity, which is followed by death.
Bacteria are terribly efficient at consuming resources. While we aren't nearly as efficient, when we account for the scales of comparison it still works. Some bacteria kill by releasing their own enzymes to break down host tissues and use them for energy, others release toxins.
For example, think of the enzymes as our industrial prowess. Deforestation, strip mining, oil extraction, fishing practices, etc. While some of those actually can also be considered toxic to the host, Earth and potentially other planets. The host has a variety of defense mechanisms but in this case there are no antibiotics yet to help the defense mechanisms catch up. The defense mechanisms are to slow to react, while we continue our exponential growth and consumption of resources. We become more efficient as time goes by at utilizing resources.
The Earth as a host even fits standard definitions of a live body. The Earth has a form of respiration, excretion, irritability and even mutation. The only thing it cant do according to scientist is reproduce.
Everything we do as a highly pathogenic species has consequences on all these characteristics of the living host Thus if humans are given the ability and free roam of exspanion in this universe we would eventually, with enough time lapse, destroy it.
This interpretation of the Human Reserve Hypothesis reasons, in short, that we as the human race compare to that of a virus, slowly deteriorating everything in which we come in contact with. Believing that we are or have been actively viewed by either a higher power or "alien" like species, which placed us here consequently, to protect the universe. partially coininsiding with early Deism, which prospected that we were placed here, then simply left alone.
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