Resident Evil: Begins is an upcoming movie in the Resident Evil film franchise. It will be a prologue to the 2002 film. Milla Jovovich will reprise the role of Alice, as this is a prequel, she will have no powers. Alice will not be the main character; which will be Jill Valentine, to be reprised by Sienna Guillory. The film tells the story of Jill as she struggles against the infestation of T-Virus caused by the Umbrella Corporation in Raccoon City. Paul W.S. Anderson has not been confirmed as director. Projected release date is September 14, 2012 and will be in 3D. This would be the fifth live-action feature film in the film series, after Resident Evil: Afterlife. The film promises to be more faithful to the game series than others. It will be released by Sony Screen Gens. The film franchise is based on the eponymous video game series created in Japan and responsible for popularizing the genre of "survival horror" gaming.