
Republan is a term that has been coined in response to the use of the term Democrat when used as an adjective as in the Democrat Party. The term Republan removes the letters "ic" from Republican to show how offensive the mis-naming is of the major party in power at the federal level since the 2008 election of Barack Obama and the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The explicit goal is to dissociate the name of the rival party from the concept of republic.
When it is used as an adjective (as in "Republan Party" or "Republan Senator" or "Republan idea") it is equally valid in a use of a noun (though a neologism as is Democrat) in the same context.
The usage is seen in response to such statements as reported by Media Matters for America
which follows briefly
"On the April 15 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh asserted that "liberalism is the greatest threat this country faces, not Islamofascism, because if the liberals dominate and win, and are in power for four, eight years or more, they don't take Islamofascism as a threat." He added: "And we know this because the Islamofascists are actually campaigning for the election of Democrats. Islamofascists from Ahmadinejad to al-Zawahiri ... Osama bin Laden, whoever, are constantly issuing Democrat talking points.""
Bloggers, ever the creators of new words since "blog" itself was made up have been chiming in as seen on
"I still can't help but think people should insist on calling it the "Republan party" as long as they insist on talking about the "Democrat party". What's ic for the goose is ic for the gander.
I hope you're right. I seem to recall something about the Republan's success in getting away making taxcuts &c for the rich is down to 'the american dream'. Everybody expects that someday they'll be rich."
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