Repent Sinner

Repent Sinner is a longstanding graffiti street art campaign in Western Canada. The slogan may be either handwritten, typically in black permanent marker, or a sticker bearing the slogan in the same handwriting style may be applied instead.
The fad probably stems from a lone proselytizing Christian, whose campaign may have originated in Edmonton, although this is unconfirmed. The earliest sightings of the graffito began in 1990 and were handwritten on Edmonton, Alberta public transit bus stops and buses, often on the back of bus seats. Subsequent examples were sighted in public places, bathroom stalls and on conspicuous walls both in Edmonton and occasionally Calgary. In 1992 the Edmonton Journal hired a handwriting analyst to use the slogan as a sample. The analyst hypothesized that the author was an elderly Caucasian man, with considerable religious fervour. This was never confirmed.
The individual responsible may have later relocated to Vancouver, British Columbia, or increased exposure may have led others to emulate the original. Rumours have circulated in Vancouver that a devout middle-aged woman of Black Canadian or Afro-Caribbean background is responsible for the campaign. These rumours would assume that the lady in question, Anna May, was able to walk unassisted by canes or a walker and had the mental stability to move anonymously for as many years as the campaign has been ongoing. The script in the Edmonton incidences may be seen to differ slightly from that most common form used in Vancouver; they may well have originated from another hand.
"Repent Sinner" could be seen throughout East Vancouver, and downtown throughout much of the 1990s, on stickers, inside public transportation buses, Skytrain cars and Seabus boats, or written on debris. The most common place for them to be found was on the large blue garbage-bins that lined the downtown alleys. This person would hit large swathes of these and leave multiple (sometimes upward of twenty of the same tape/sticker variation.) on numerous bins in a row. The main methods of relaying the message are red and yellow vinyl stickers, neon yellow and pink poster paper and found objects. Most of the Repent Sinners were not sticker, however, but were merely written on the back of different types of tape. The backs of strips cut from cereal boxes was also popular.
In 2006, T-shirts appeared bearing this phrase, in the same font and style as the stickers. The shirts were produced by the fashion wing of Frog Style Biscuit, a Vancouver-based news and satire website. Reported variations by others include "Report Sinners", "Reheat Dinner", "Resume Sinning", "Recent Sinner" and "Repeat Sinning."
It is unclear if the original individual was involved in the production of the "Repent Sinner" stickers. It is interesting to note that the sticker form of "Repent Sinner" was a variant not seen in Alberta.
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