Ren Shi Gong Fu

Ren Shi Gong Fu is a Xiaofanche derivative family system taught by the Ren family in Laixi, Shandong Province, PRC.
Origin and history
Ren Zhao Hua, the founder of the system, created the Ren Fist style (RenShi Xiaofanche / Ren Shi Gong Fu) after combining his previous Shandong Mantis Training with the Xiaofanche training he had received from master Xu Sheng Xiao, the founder of the Xiaofanche style.
Over the last several hundred years, the system has been passed down through 7 generations of Ren Family masters.
Fighting methods
The Ren Fist system is a system for practical application of martial techniques at the striking and clenching/trapping range. Ground fighting and grappling techniques are not taught. Throws, large and small joint manipulations and takedowns from the clenching range are taught in detail.
Offensive attacks are direct and generally linear, while defensive tactics are generally circular, based on the style's principal of drawing the opponent in and striking at an angle. Students learn to use multiple hand shapes, knees, elbows, feet, shins and the forehead as striking weapons.
Originally, the system was a combination of Xiaofanche and Northern Shandong Praying Mantis. It has been adapted by the current generation to include both military and sport sanda/sanshou techniques as well to reflect the realities of modern unarmed combat.
Ren He, the 7th generation faction representative and 32nd generation Shaolin Monk, has himself trained in multiple Chinese Martial Arts and has integrated many other aspects of his training into the Modern Ren Fist style.
In addition to Xiaofanche, Shandong Mantis and Sanda/Sanshou, modern Ren Fist also incorporates techniques, principals and elements from:
*Northern and Southern Shaolin styles
*Taiji Meihua Praying Mantis
*Chen Taijiquan
Recognized 7th Generation Ren Shi Gong Fu Masters
There are three masters currently teaching Ren Shi Gong Fu.
Ren He (7th Generation faction representative)- Ren He began his study of Ren Shi Gong Fu at the age of 10, under his grandfather, Ren Gao Chuan. At 20, Ren He made his own pilgrimage to Shaolin, where he became a 32nd generation Shaolin Monk.
Notable Achievements
-Winner of the 1990 Shaolin Fist Skills Championship in Henan Province
-Appeared on the Chinese TV show "Who's the Hero?", a factual account of Sanda fighters and trainers in China.
-Trained Provincial Sanda Champions in both Henan and Shandong Provinces
Ren Qiang -Ren Qiang began his training as a young boy under his grandfather, Ren Gao Chuan. He studied as a Shaolin deciple for 5 years.
Ren Ri Qin- Ren Ri Qin is the eldest practicing member of the Ren Family.
Study Kung Fu in China
The Ren School of Gongfu is currently accepting foreign students. Students can do a live in private study at the school 5 days a week, 12 months a year.
The program covers:
*Basic written and spoken Mandarin
*Northern Shaolin Forms
*Southern Shaolin Forms
*Tai Chi
*Tai Chi Meihua Praying Mantis
*Ren Fist
*Sanda / Sanshou
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