Reefer rock

Reefer Rock, a.k.a. The Rock, has been said by some to be a landmark for marijuana enthusiasts. Like the ODBC, or Ocean Drive Blunt Cruise. It is has its home on Aquidneck islandin the state of Rhode Island . Though its exact location is regrettably not sanctioned for online use. There are three who know its true location. However the three people mentioned have been going by mysterious aliases for a long time:Bishop, Darth Vader, and Weed Wasp. Although the orgins of these names are unknown, the titles suggest that people from the younger generation are involved in this act. Reefer Rock existed less than a year before the idea broke out like wildfire and spread through the island.
Besides the three founders', Reefer Rock was discovered by an anonymous lawnmower who happened to be mowing the lawn by Reefer Rock. The yardworker noticed green spray point all over a huge rock right on the coast. As any bystander would do, he foundit to covered in spray painted marijuana leaves, the ame of the rok, and the name of the founders of this secret society. Truly spread by only word of mouth, Reefer Rock is a rumor mere going around. Still its existence is not proven. Everyone wants in on the information. Some believe that this is a reformation in the making. People are begining to think about reforming their ideas on marijuana use. Rhode Island, already one of the msot liberal states involving marijuana use, is soon to christen its first relief center for medicinal marijuana. Rumors also go around that marijuana is going to be decriminaliazed in the small state.
Reefer Rock has been known as more of a location. But more of a hope of marijuana users worldwide. It represents freedom. A rock standing aside of an ocean, unmoved, but beautiful amongst its surroundings. It is said to be a true natural reflection of the marijuana community in today's society.
Reefer Rock, because of its proximity to the water allows the youth much safety when smoking. The convenience of the spot is revealed in how someone can imediatly throw away their evidence into the abysmal bay with ten minuted notice before anyone reaches the kids.
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