Reddy Subcaste

Reddy Sub Castes
Old cliche in Telugu (odlalo unnanni rakalu redlalo kalavu) says that there as many varieties of Reddys as there are varieties in Rice to give an idea of the diversity. Some of the well known sub castes of Reddys are
*Ayodhi Reddys (in Tamil Nadu)
*Motati Reddys
*Neravati reddy
*Pedakanti Reddy
*Chowdary Reddy(saudary Reddy)
*Gudati Reddy
*Reddy Gandla
*Pakanati Reddys
*Velanati Reddys
*Vadde Reddys
*Panta Reddys
*Gandla reddy
*Ganjam Reddy (in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Orissa)
*Pokanati Reddys
*Nanugonda Reddys
*Gone Kapu
*Palle Reddy
*Konda Reddy.
Hyderabad and Rangareddy are dominated by Gudati, Gone Kapu and Reddy kapu sub castes. Adilabad and Karimnagar have Reddy Gandla, gudati and Motati in majority. Motati Reddy, gudati reddy and gandla reddy's do business in oil and beedi leaves. They vary in some of their customs. For example, Pedakanti Reddy women do not wear talibottu and Kapu Reddy women wear saree with one belt like thing coming from the middle.
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