Recovery (2016 film)

Recovery is a documentary narrative film about the recovery process of Matt Faulkner, a college-aged man who, a few years earlier, had suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) from a motor vehicle accident in which he was a passenger. The film explores how one copes with tragedy through interviews with Faulkner and his family, the driver of the vehicle, two of his doctors and a former seminary student. The film was first test screened in Buffalo, New York, in 2013, premiered at a film festival in 2015, and became publicly available in 2016.
The film was directed and produced by Ryan Monolopolus. On March 23, 2013, the book, Most Likely to Survive was released with the documentary film, "Recovery," at the film's "grand Buffalo screening" which took place at Center for the Arts.
The film was selected as the "Best Documentary" at the Speak Here, First film festival in 2015.
According to Monolopolus' website, the film was shot in collaboration with Mercy Flight and Erie County Medical Center (ECMC), and includes footage of a reenacted helicopter flight to ECMC, giving a portrayl of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) air transport that was available to Faulkner to rush him to the hospital. The film had an approximate budget of $15,000.
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