rec.woodworking is an un-moderated usenet newsgroup dedicated to woodworking and related topics. It is still quite active with 300 to 400 posts per day, although it is marred by occasional troll attacks and off-topic political discussions. rec.woodworking's origins date back to before the creation of usenet and it was one of the original groups created as part of the Great Renaming. As such, it does not appear to have a formal charter, unlike most other newsgroups. Unlike other craft-oriented newsgroups, it stands on its own rather than being part of the rec.crafts.* hierarchy. rec.woodworking has had a substantial influence on woodworking on the internet and has spawned a number of web sites, electronic mailing lists, and other newsgroups. Some terms now common in internet woodworking forums as well as woodworkers in general originated in rec.woodworking including "normite" for power-tool users, "galoot" and "neanderthal" for hand-tool users, scary sharp as a method to sharpen tools using sandpaper, etc.