Real Time Action Technology

Real time action is a business technology that uses contextual intelligence to monitor and immediately react to employee, customer or client actions. Used for everything from retail, to financial services, & casinos, real time action technology is a rules-based decision support system , which means that every action by a customer and/or an employee, from asking for info on a particular product to visiting a web page, is followed by a precise, pre-determined reaction.
In some ways, real time action is similar to a sherpa that guides employees to find the right path to customer service and response. Real time action technology’s symphony-style, improvisation-capable tools, direct users to immediately switch gears and develop a new path to customer and employee satisfaction on the fly.
Typical real time action technology integrates customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence and analytics, with the goal of tracking clients and employee’s and building lasting relationships with them. Real time action technology mixes elements of sales, customer service, technical support and marketing, resulting in reduced labor costs, reduced operational expenses, improved productivity, and a significant increase in customer retention. With faster response times from employees, a positive customer experience is the most common important outcome.
Benefits of Real-Time Action Technologies
The strength of this “rules of engagement” technology is that it automatically prioritizes and triages each step in the equation without constant direction from the user. Each real time action user can track and change the rules at any given moment, though the software doesn’t need constant, hands-on direction to function effectively.
Another positive real time action technology benefit is how it takes decision-making pressure off employees. With a real-time guide on the type of employee needed and how each employee should act with each customer, the technology makes staffers more relaxed, effective and efficient.
Real time action technology is flexible enough to be used in a variety of verticals, from airlines to hotels and has been heavily embraced by the casino industry thanks to its mobility, ability to recognize unique customers via their loyalty cards, and geographically neutral use requirements. A casino owner, for instance, can manage an action tree from a mobile phone or browser from anywhere in the world, as long as an Internet connection is available.
Casino & Gaming Industry Application
Real time action technologies have been widely adopted by the Casino and Gaming Industry due to its ability to handle both simple and complex interactions. Casinos depend heavily on customer loyalty, and the technology works best when a great guest experience is the goal.

In the casino environment, interaction usually starts when the customer enters the casino. Once that happens, real time action technology immediately prioritizes each exchange, strategically deploying specific employees to deliver service based on the unique wants and needs of each guest. With real time action, casino managers leverage and/or gather intelligence on everything from a customer’s spending habits to their experience as a player.
In a common scenario, if a guest spends a significant amount of time in a casino, the software might dispatch a customer loyalty representative to gauge satisfaction and offer rewards like show tickets or discounts. Other interactions demand more complex actions, like persuading a customer to return to the casino when their immediate experience has been unpleasant or disappointing.
Additional Industries
Although real time action technologies have been primarily adopted by the casino industry, the technology is also being deployed within the following industries:
• Airline Industry
• Hotels, Resorts, & Hospitality Industries
• Restaurant Industry
• Retail Industry
• Amusement Parks
• Convention Centers
• Janitorial Services
• Venue & Event Management
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