
RCube is a software application which provides users with a fully functional 'virtual' Rubik's Cube, allowing them to use and learn the popular puzzle.

The Artificial Intelligence for RCube is amongst a number of Rubik's Cube solvers available on the Internet, with RCube having an emphasis on solving the Cube in human understandable way, rather than solving the Cube in the least number of moves.

RCube has a series of eight tutorials which teach users how to use the application before teaching them how to solve the Rubik's Cube.

The tutorials break down each of the seven stages used by the solver into distinct moves. These moves are then explained, with an example how to solve that stage being given by the programs solver.

The stages that the tutorials follow to teach the Rubik's Cube are as follows:
1. Solve the Top Cross (creating a cross shape of correct pieces at any designated top section of the Rubik's Cube)
2. Correct the Top Corners
3. Correct the Middle section of the Cube
4. Put the bottom corner pieces into position (without correct orientation)
5. Put the bottom middle pieces into position (without correct orientation)
6. Correct the Orientation of the bottom corner pieces
7. Correct the Orientation of the bottom middle pieces

The Rubik's Cube solver used within the RCube application uses the same 7-stage algorithm as shown in the tutorials to correct the cube. Each of these stages leaves the cube in a more complete state than the previous stage.

The solver uses the finite state machine approach to the Artificial Intelligence technique to analyse the current cube, before working out what move/s to perform to put the cube in a ‘better’ state.

This program also has a design mode, which will allow users to draw any possible pattern into the system (irrespective of whether it is a valid Rubik's Cube), so that they can then be used within the application. Invalid cubes are one’s who have states which can never be achieved with any combination of moves. On a physical Rubik's Cube this could occur if the colours stickers were taken off and then put back on, in random locations.

Broken Cubes within RCube cannot be solved by the AI Solver, but can be manipulated by the player.
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