Rajkowski Michal

Michal Rajkowski (born February 22, 1983), economist and business researcher, currently employed in ABN AMRO as Junior Product Controller.
He is a graduate of and Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management in Warsaw.
Rajkowski is an author of business research articles published in Social Science Research Network - SSRN including: .
1) Management Issues: To What Extent Has Globalisation Undermined Fordist Management Systems? What are the Outcomes for Workers and Managers of Greater Globalisation? Are the Arguments of Kline and Ritzer Correct in Pointing to a 'Mcdonaldisation' of Jobs and Management?
2)To What Extent Price Movements on the Warsaw Stock Exchange are Correlated with Trends on the International Financial Markets? - A Study
He also conducts an economic forum dealling with warsaw stock exchange and financial markets on Polish version of xing.org business relationship portal.
His leisure activities involve reading classical and modern literature, sports and PC audio-video conversion.
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