Rafael of Orléans-Braganza

Rafael of Orléans-Braganza (Rafael Antonio Maria José Francisco Miguel Gabriel Gonzaga de Orléans e Bragança e Ligne; 26 April 1986) is a member of the former Imperial House of Brazil, which reigned as emperors until 1889. As the younger but only surviving son of Antônio of Orléans-Braganza, he is expected to eventually take up the claim to Brazil's defunct throne. He is the only remaining male-line Vassouras claimant born after 1950.
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Rafael Antônio lives in the Itaim Bibi neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil. His body was later recovered and interred. Although prior to his death the elder brother had been expected to take up the dynastic claim, he had impressed upon his younger brother the importance of the imperial legacy as a familial duty. Their son, Rafael, would be the first member of the next generation of Orléans-Braganzas to represent the dynasty as claimant to the throne.<ref name"ghda"/> He accepts that, unless the head of his house and other family members agree to change the dynasty's rules, he is expected to marry a princess in order to transmit his traditional claim to future descendants.<ref name"fa2016"/>
Having represented his family's imperial heritage publicly since he was twelve, he also accompanies his father and uncles to official and monarchist events.<ref name"fa2016"/> Although he has participated in public demonstrations against corruption in government, and adheres to the principles of equal opportunity and the right to better living conditions for the less privileged, he believes that he is obliged to abstain from partisan political activity in order to encourage restoration of the constitutional monarchy he still believes Brazil should consider as an alternative to its presidential regimes.<ref name"fa2016"/>
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