Radio Sai

Radio Sai is the official Internet radio service of the Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation, disseminating the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in several languages.
Radio Stream
Radio Sai went on air on November 23, 2001. It was inaugurated as a channel of the now defunct 1worldspace network. Radio Sai has changed into an Internet Radio streaming service with six streams - Asia, Afri, Ameri, Telugu, Discourse and Bhajan.
The Asia, Afri, and Ameri streams offer programmes specific to the time zones of the three continents (Asia, Africa and America respectively). The Bhajan Stream plays bhajans nonstop, while the Discourse Stream is a 24-hour channel that plays Baba's discourse.
In June 2011, Radio Sai started its Telugu Stream. Baba delivered almost all His talks in Telugu.
Apart from the mentioned above internet radio streams, Radio Sai offers through its website, Radio Sai's official e-journal “Heart2Heart”. This journal started as a fortnightly publication and later was expanded and made into a monthly magazine. However, in 2009, it was converted into a dynamic journal which is updated three to four times a week.
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