Radio AmchiKONKANI

Radio AmchiKONKANI is a Konkani language Christian Internet Radio started by Godwin Castelino (AlfaGodwin) on 25 May 2020. This is exclusive Radio For Konkani Lovers which plays melodious Christian, Gospel and Devotional songs. Radio Promotion & Publicity started by Godwin under his creative channel AlfaGrafia.
The immense love for his mother tongue Konkani and the Konkani speaking community, ignited in Mr.Godwin Castelino (AlfaGodwin) the urge to start an internet radio specially for the Konkani lovers. The dream though started taking shape, it did not materialize after two failed attempts in 2012 and 2017.
2020 has been an unforgettable year for more than many reasons. Due to Covid when the world witnessed the unexpected lockdown and individuals touched the point of depression that's when Godwin decided it was time to re ignite his passion.
Lockdown had shut the doors of churches and devotees yearned to listen to Gods word. This gave wings to Godwin's dream and during lockdown he worked towards his dream and successfully started the internet radio Radio AmchiKONKANI to cater to the spiritual needs of Konkani devotees and inspire them through Gospel & Spiritual songs, Prayers etc.
He received support from Community people and Konkani Associations. Today Radio AmchiKONKANI rings in minds and hearts of people. It caters to different age groups. From melodious devotionals to heart touching prayers, rosary and sermons, one can listen to it anywhere and everywhere in radio Amchikonkani.
The channel airs 24 hours of content every day. It includes melodious hymns, morning prayers, special prayers, rosary etc.
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