R. Ramachandran (Sanskrit scholar)

R. Ramachandran (1960—present), called by his students as RR, is an active force in Samskrita Bharati.
Hailing from a humble background, RR, a renowned scholar in Samskrit, serves currently as a faculty in the Department of Sanskrit at Ramakrishna Misson Vivekananda College in Chennai and is also the vice-president of Samskrita Bharati, South India. Being the son of a well-versed Samskritam scholar, Professor Ramachandran trained in Sanskrit language since his early childhood days.
He is very popular among his students for his teaching methods. Although possessing a deep knowledge of the Devabhasha in its myriad subtleties and nuances, he teaches the language to a newbie in a simple and impressive manner. One instance can be seen in his talk recorded at an inaugural Samskritam shibhiram.
Ramachandran has conducted several hundreds of spoken samskritam shibhirams for the general public. When RR teaches Samskritam, he teaches in Samskritam as well, without the use of any other medium to learn the language. This way, he has held high and put to practice the view point of Samskrita Bharati: of learning Samskrit in the same manner as a child learns its mother tongue. For his service to Samskritam language, he was recently awarded the 8th Sundaram Finance Spirit of Mylapore award.
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