R v. Elliott

R v. Elliott is an ongoing criminal trial based in Toronto, Canada. Gregory Alan Elliott stands accused of criminally harassing several women in the Toronto area, following a protracted dispute with feminist activist Stephanie Guthrie. The case is thought to be the first prosecution for harassment solely involving activity on social networking website Twitter.
Following her 2012 Kickstarter campaign for the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games video series, feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian began to receive large volumes of online harassment.
Elliott is believed to be the first Canadian prosecuted solely for tweets, and several commentators believe the case has significant implications for freedom of speech in Canada.<ref name="thestarLeaveHerAlone"/><ref name="french"/><ref name="ctvnewsLeadToJail"/>
Writing in Vice, Sarah Ratchford criticizes coverage of the case by columnist Christie Blatchford and others as being hostile to the rights of women.<ref name="viceCanadasWomen"/>
A Toronto coffee shop has been the subject of controversy over artwork by Elliott that the shop displays.<ref name="torontoistCafe"/>
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