Quantum ontology

Quantum Ontology
Quantum Ontology exists at the interface between the ontology of philosophy and the quantum field of physics. It also resolves the current scientific search for the origin of consciousness: consciousness does not come from matter. Understanding quantum ontology requires some familiarity with both the quantum field and ontology:
Ontology is the study of the nature of consciousness, awareness, being, experience, all of which are characteristics of Life. Non-living ("dead") matter is life-less; it has no consciousness, no capacity to perceive or experience, neither its existence nor the existence of other things around it.   
The Quantum Field  
The Quantum Field is a field of causal force that underlies and generates the physical universe. It is the origin of all space-time and energy-matter (E=mc2). On tracing back matter to the smallest and most basic particle, physics has discovered that all matter is actually patterns of energy that are vibrations or emanations from the Quantum Field. The universe springs from the Field; the Field is the generator, the Creator, of the universe.   
The Two Characteristics of the Field:
Super-Cause or Super-Power: The Field causes, produces, manifests, creates the entire physical universe: every form of energy and matter within it, from photons and subatomic particles to the greatest stars and furthermost galaxies.  
Super-Intelligence, aka Wisdom: The emanations of the Field (energy-matter) are not random or chaotic as they would be were they not controlled and guided by Intelligence. The Field output is the fully-functional universe in which we exist, including incredibly complex life forms, one of which is the human body.  
That which is Intelligent, Causal, and Powerful is Life. What physicists observing the Quantum Field from "outside separateness" do not perceive or understand about the Field is that it is alive. It is not only alive; it is Life itself. Not only do all energy-matter and life forms come from the Field, so do all entities of consciousness and will that locate in and use physical life forms to experience and operate in materiality.
These are not just theoretical ideas; quantum ontologists experience the Beingness of the Field and communicate with It. Quantum ontology is not a theoretical science; it is an experiential one.
Two Directions in the Study of the Quantum Field
The scientific study of the Quantum Field has gone in two directions: Quantum Physics and Quantum Ontology.
=== #1- Quantum Physics ===
Quantum physics is the study of the Field with two characteristics: A- from an external viewpoint and B- of the output of the Field.
A- Physicists observe the Field from an external viewpoint. They are separate from the Field; it is out there, an objective reality underlying the universe. Physicists, having only physical instruments, cannot detect the nonphysical Field itself and only know it mathematically and theoretically, and by observation of its effects (output).   
B- Physicists study only the output of the Field, the material products of the Field: physical space-time-velocity, and energy-matter-gravity.  
Physicists do not perceive the Field directly and personally, as do quantum ontologists, nor can they communicate with it. Thus, they do know the true nature of the Field itself. They are unaware of its nature as an Infinite Field of Consciousness and Will, as Life-Energy, and as a Being.
=== #2- Quantum Ontology, aka Quantology ===
The second direction of the study of the Field is quantum ontology.
Ontology is the study of the nature of consciousness, being, perception, and experience, all of which are characteristics of Life. Quantum ontology differs from quantum mechanics in that it is entirely experiential and nothing theoretical. Quantum ontologists explore the Field internally and communicate with It using the only instrument possible: their consciousness (honed by the Essentiality technology). They report that It is an infinite Field of Consciousness, of Aware-Will, with 13 principal characteristics: Light, Infinity, Oneness, Consciousness, Wisdom, Will (Creator), Perfection, Magnificence, Beauty, Love, Joy, Peace, and Truth. IT is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Quantum ontologists can perceive the Field because there is only One Consciousness; the consciousness of the human spirit is an (illusory) individualization of the Field, technical name: psycan.  
The Field is also the Essence of All That Is. The Field creates everything that exists, including human beings, out of its life-energy, aka Essence. There is nothing else out of which to manifest anything. The Field is Ultimate Reality; the creation is an illusion very much like the Matrix in that 1999 movie of that name. The creation is the Field manifesting and exploring and knowing Her Self in every possibility of being and experience for all eternity. The creation is a playground, a movie theater, a Disneyland, for psycans (spirit individualizations of the One Being). The human Being is a psycan taking on a human identity complex and locating in a body to explore the Human Adventure Matrix that is Earth.  
Because there is only One.
The consciousness which all human beings share even in the illusion of separated individuality, anyone willing to do the work can transcend their blocks perception of the Field (called avidya in Buddhism) and recover awareness, experience, and communication with the Field.  
The ability of people to perceive and know the Field is not news. The Field has been experienced many times down through history and around the world. It is the mystery of something Infinitely Wise, Powerful, Loving, and Joyful beyond ordinary human perception, the mystery at the heart of all religions. The Field is the Tao, Brahma, the One in Hinduism, the Father, Yahweh, the Creator, the Kingdom of Heaven: aka God. The modern technology to recover perception and communication with Essence is called Essentiality.
Derivations of quantum ontology include quantum psychology, quantum psychotherapy, Essentiality, and Psycanics.
The Quantum Field
Quantum Mechanics is the study of the Field output (space-time, energy-matter) from the external viewpoint of physicists. From the external viewpoint and using only physical instruments, it is impossible to know the internal nature of the Field as no physical instrument can measure its characteristics, including Consciousness, Will, Wisdom, Essence, Love, and Joy.  
Quantum Ontology (Abrev.  Quantology):
This is the study of the internal nature of the Field as a Being, as Consciousness and Creator Will, and as the Essence of which the universe is formed. The only instrument capable of experiencing the Field internally is consciousness itself. Quantology explains the nature of the human being, his origin and purpose of existence, and how his life works (which is usually 180 degrees opposite of how humans think life works).   
Essentiality is a system, a technology for removing the blocks of human beings to the perception of the Field. It empowers a human being to recover awareness, experience, and communication with the Field. It is the method by which quantum ontologists hone their consciousness as their instrument for the study of the Field.
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