Qualitest Group

Qualitest is a software testing company. The company designs and develops software testing for organizations in a variety of industries and sectors.
Qualitest was founded in 1997 in Israel by Ayal Zylberman and Eli Margolin. In 2000, Advanced Logistics Developments acquired 51% of the company, which was again sold in 2004 to Malam Team. Qualitest separated from Malam Team in 2011 after the founders reacquired their shares and formed a 50% ownership partnership with Kedma Capital. In 2016 Qualitest was acquired from Kedma by Marlin Equity Partners. In 2019 Bridgepoint Advisers Ltd acquired a controlling stake in the company for $420 million, and in December of that year Qualitest acquired artificial intelligence firm AlgoTrace. In February 2020 Qualitest acquired QA Infotech, an Indian-based quality assurance company, and in April acquired Comply, an Israeli-based QA company, and Olenick, a QA company located in Chicago. Qualitest is the largest independent software testing company in the world by revenue. They are currently located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Romania, and India. As of 2020, the company employed about 3700 people. The CEO of the company is Norm Merritt.
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