
Qlink (or quantum link) is a link to an internet URL with a special feature of auto-destroyed on a single click.
It working principle is synonymous to quantum mechanics where an elementary particle has a wave function collapse when it is measured.
The Qlink is the key ingredient of a new generation of secure internet communications, which has been inspired in quantum cryptography. In addition to usual mathematical algorithms, this new feature allows to send information through a qlink which gives the recipient the certainty that the information has not been read by anyone else, not even a bot: if he or she can read the content of the qlink after clicking on it, then nobody nor nothing has clicked on the qlink before. The qlink can be sent through any e-mail client (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.) but its content will be read exclusively by the e-mail recipient. This is in contrast, for instance, to normal e-mails where the e-mail server uses bots to select advertisement according to the e-mail content.
As a by-product of its confidential features, the Qlink has also the advantage that the information that is qlinked does not remain in either the sender's out-box nor in the recipient's in-box. As a matter of fact, only remains a dead qlink which is meaningless once that has been used. It is worth noticing, in any case, that the qlink cannot be used for sending anonymous e-mails, since it is required a normal e-mail account to send it.
Qlinks can be useful for sending credit card information, passwords, confidential information within an enterprise or institution, and also for national security. The maximum security level is reached when the connections to the server that runs the qlink creation and storage, and the server itself, are under physical control.
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