
QAZ is the international term for Queskly Askov Zielinsky ( Polish for Fight for Human Rights )
QAZ was set up by famed polish writer Kamil Zielinsky who was very protective against the Gypsies in the time of the Polish war.
Kamil Zielinsky was born in 1932 and was an extreme activist against the Nazi Germans. Kamil predicted that the Germans seeked an uprise and would attack the Polsish empire and cause great distress amongst the Gypsie population.On the eve of 12 March 1988 Kamil suffered a major heart disfunction and was comissioned to hospital. Techniqual surgeon Dr. Aaron Eng Leng Wong discovered that there was a major brain tumor in the cerebal cortex of Kamil's brain.D.r Wong concluded that this tumor had caused Kamil to be able to predict major events including the end of the world.
According to psychotic specialist Sitthi Ordumbily Kamil's powers are nothing but a hoax.But this could not be explained and was dismissed as a form of jealousy against the famed Kamil Zielinsky.A few years later there was an assasination attempt on the life of the Polish writer. Many skeptics believe that this assasination attemt was set up by Sitthi.
Sadly the events of Kamil Zielinsky's life may be forgotten if people continue to ignore his achievements.
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