Qasim abdalkarem

Qassim Abdul Kareem was born in Aries (March 28, 1998), a football player in Al Nasr, the owner and founder of Qassim Media channels group and who is also a producer and designer of several videos for a period of three years such as Qassim Abdul Kareem Al Nasr club since 2015 and has establish Qassim Media Group already at the end of 2014, which is a series of musical channels and technology that aims to enrich the Arabic content on YouTube where he achieved great success at the beginning of 2015, where he achieved a quantum leap in the field of modern technology and has achieved a large percentage views and reached Total Views in Qasim Media channel to 6 million viewers and more than 10 thousand subscribers and more than 100 videos in the middle of the year 2015.But in football he has achieved many championships with Al Nasr and won the best player award in many championships
Personal life
Born 'Qassim Abdul Kareem' in the Iraq in the province Basra born Aries March 28, in 1998) He Iraqi from the city of Basra in Iraq is married to a CEO and the founder of Qassim Media channels group who is also a football player and in the canals provided the content of technical on YouTube, which is one of the most prominent pioneers of technical and Technology in Iraq always looking for a new technology modern various types and forms and the latest news
Qassim Abdul Kareem, a media and a football player and founder of Qassim Media channels group and blogger on the Internet where the back of specialization Academic and has extensive experience in the field of technology and modern
Of the leading by QASSIM ABDULKAREEM and his distinctive bouquet Speaking entered the world of media in 2013 from the wider doors, was the most prominent young people in the Arab and Iraqi private YouTube
Also the work of QASSIM ABDULKAREEM player in the club of alnasr in the popular teams in Basra in Iraq and won many honors with the club and get the best player award in several tournaments
His career
QASSIM ABDULKARTEEM, a CEO and the owner and the founder and director Qasim Media Group channels and also a football player in the club alnasr
Qassim Media began its cooperation with some of the young Iraqis and The Godfather experience since 2015 and the preparation and submission of numerous programs and specialist technology on many channels and
In 2014 contracted Qassim with a network homeland Group Network to produce and distribute his works offered by the the fact that the company has a large experience in marketing and distribution, but this contract does not produce the desired success, which was denominator of this contract to go after the termination of his contract with the network company homeland and begins the journey your production and launching his own brand Teck Bales of production and distribution are now considered the most popular and successful channels in , and Iraq in particular
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