Proyecto Estrella

Proyecto Estrella is an organization based in San Juan, Puerto Rico, that promotes education on the political status of Puerto Rico and supports statehood for the U.S. territory. The organization has played active roles during and after the 2012 and the 2020 status referenda.
2012 Status Referendum
Following H.R. 2499's adoption in 2009, former leaders of the Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association José A. Cabrera and Javier Aguilú launched the Star Project in 2010 to advocate statehood for Puerto Rico. The initiative would emphasize education on the political status issue and the merits of statehood through social media and live training events throughout Puerto Rico's townships and universities. PlebiscitoPR, a collateral initiative of the Star Project led by Aguilú, promoted citizens’ awareness of the plebiscite and voter participation.
The Star Project advocated for statehood ahead of the 2012 Puerto Rican status referendum, holding training events in San Juan, Las Piedras, Vieques, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, and the University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón. For these endeavors, the organization joined a coalition of advocacy groups, including the Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association, the Young Democrats of Puerto Rico, Igualdad Futuro Seguro, the Young Republican Federation of Puerto Rico, and Boricua Ahora Es. A majority of voters (54%) rejected Puerto Rico's current territorial status and another majority (61%) chose statehood.
Post referendum
Following the plebiscite, the Star Project joined Boricua Ahora Es to promote awareness of statehood's victory and to promote the occurrence of a congressionally-sanctioned status plebiscite, including the Taking of Congress. Afterward, the 2014 budget bill included $2.5 million in funding for a future vote in Puerto Rico's political status.
In 2013, the Star Project and the Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association joined to commemorate the birthday of Puerto Rican statesman Dr. José Celso Barbosa, the founder of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican statehood movement, with an event held at Santa María Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery in Old San Juan. The event gained prominence because it featured the only joint appearance by Congressman Pedro Pierluisi and Boricua Ahora Es leader and statehood activist Ricardo Rosselló, who were then rivals for the 2016 New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico gubernatorial nomination.
2020 statehood referendum
Following the 2020 Puerto Rican status referendum, the Star Project joined 15 other pro-statehood organizations in forming a citizens' coalition requesting action from President Joe Biden and Congress. The organization also began publishing opinion pieces in regional and specialized media outlets in the U.S. mainland to create awareness about the results of the referendum.
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