Properties of Bradyons

All particles that have been experimentally found are bradyons. There are two major ways to define a bradyon .
1. A bradyon is any particle with real, nonzero rest mass.
2. From statement no.1, we can use the Lorentz factor to create an alternative definition. A bradyon is any particle moving slower than light.
The words "tardyon" and "ittyon" are neologisms which are hardly used in physics . They are synonyms for "bradyon".
Assuming that tachyons exist , 'bradyon' is not a synonym for 'massive particle' (i.e. a particle having a non-zero mass). Any bradyon has a real rest mass, whereas any luxon has zero (0 is both real and imaginary. In fact, the complex argument of 0 is not defined) rest mass. Tachyons have imaginary rest masses.
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