Project X Engineers, Inc

Project X Engineers, Inc. aka Project X Corrosion Engineering is a forensic, engineering, soil testing lab, metallurgy lab, and consulting firm based in Murrieta, California, United States. Project X has worked on projects across the continental United States, ranging from soil testing and corrosion control recommendations for large scale solar farms, university expansions, water testing to find origin of lead contamination, failure and metallurgy analysis of oil refinery and water infrastructure, and unbiased expert witness services.
Founded in 2013 by Eduardo Hernandez, PE, mechanical engineer and materials scientist, as Project X Corrosion Services, Project X got its start writing reports with corrosion control recommendations for various Architect/Engineering/Construction clients. Located one hour from all southern California metropolitan areas in the small town of Murrieta, Project X Engineers is part of the team turning a once dusty town into a high tech region, As equipment investments and client requests for special services grew, Project X grew into an independent soil testing, water testing, metallurgical, corrosion consulting, forensic engineering laboratory. In 2015, it was decided to change the name of the corporation to Project X Engineers, Inc due to the belief that future work will not be limited to corrosion work. The company quickly built a reputation for quality and integrity, responsive turn around time, and listening to client's needs. Project X's previous experience in laboratory research, foundry, land development, corrosion consulting, construction, and home/commercial forensic investigations are the foundation of the broad spectrum of possible services.
Laboratory and Engineering Services
The company is inspired by the corrosion cell which consists of four parts: (1) anode, (2) cathode, (3) conductive or metallic path, and (4) electrolyte. Removing any one of these parts stops or slows corrosion. These four parts form the X in the logo. The symbols within the logo represent elements which affect corrosion such as soil, water, fire, and wind. Thus the laboratory developed the metallurgical lab to deal with the anode and cathode analysis, forensic field investigations locate underground or above ground anodic (corroding) locations, confirm unknown conductive paths due to metal/graphite connections or failed coatings or failed dielectric unions. The soil and water testing lab was developed to be able to determine external and internal corrosion origins due to electrolytes, similar to a blood test to determine an illness.
Specialized services
* Soil chemistry analysis to determine soil corrosivity towards construction materials to plan corrosion control
* Soil Thermal Resistivity measurement to determine ability of soil or concrete to dissipate heat
* Water chemistry analysis to determine water corrosivity towards piping and concrete
* Metallurgical Analysis to examine heat treatments, failure mechanism, or manufacturing defects
* Ultrasonic thickness measurements to non-destructively measure thickness of metals
* Wenner four pin resistivity measurements in the field to measure electrical resistivity of various soil strata at a location
* Soil resistivity mapping in the field to identify "hot" spots
* Machine shop for coupon and sample preparation
* Forensic Engineering investigations to determine cause and origin of failures
* Water Loss Investigations to determine cause and origin of failures
* Product failure investigations to determine cause and origin of failures
* Corrosion evaluations to determine site corrosivity towards construction materials, corrosion rates, and to plan corrosion control
* Corrosive bacteria or testing to identify and detect corrosive bacteria to plan corrosion control
Other news
In 2016, Project X Engineers launched a refresh of its brand including the new logo.
Project X Engineers has volunteered and served on the board of various organizations such as National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International) Los Angeles Section, American Society of Materials (ASM International), Society of Military Engineers Inland Empire Post (SAME), and American Society of Civil Engineers Inland Empire (ASCE). Project X Engineers also hosts quarterly joint meetings of the various associations in Murrieta, California to encourage participation of Inland Empire members who normally cannot travel to usual meeting locations over an hour drive away.
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