Project Cafe

Project Café (colloquially called Wii 2, Wii HD, N6, or Super Wii) is rumored to be the codename for Nintendo's upcoming video game console and successor to the Wii.
Development (Rumored)
A few years after the Wii was released, speculations were raised about Nintendo's next home console. Initial beliefs were that the new console would be an enhanced version of the Wii, named the "Wii HD" and would have high-definition video output along with a Blu-ray Disc drive built in with a release in 2011. However, Satoru Iwata later stated that he sees "no significant reason" to include HD for the current Wii console, and that such an addition would be better suited for a successor. Shigeru Miyamoto also expressed Nintendo's interest in working with HD graphics, but clarified that the company is primarily focused on the gameplay experience. In October 2009, Miyamoto said that they currently had no concrete plans about a successor yet, but knew that the successor would possibly still feature motion controls and expects its interface to be "more compact" and cheaper. Satoru Iwata also mentioned that the Wii's successor might be 3D-compatible, but concluded that the adoption rates of 3D televisions should increase to at least 30% first.
In 2010, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime commented that he felt "confident the Wii home entertainment console has a very long life in front of it" and declared that a successor would not be launched in the near future. At the E3 2010 presentation, Iwata revealed to the BBC that they would begin announcing a new console once Nintendo ran "out of ideas with the current hardware and cannot give users any more meaningful surprises with the technology have". Later, at an investors meeting, he disclosed that they were "of course studying and developing the next console to Wii", but they were simultaneously keeping its concepts secret because it was "really important for business to positively surprise people". Reggie Fils-Aime commented in a CNN article and claimed that Nintendo's next home console will not likely feature stereoscopic 3D, based on what 3D technology Nintendo has experimented with.
In April 2011, multiple sources have indicated that Nintendo is planning on unveiling the successor to the Wii during the 2011 E3, which will be capable of running in HD resolutions and will be backward compatible with Wii software. The console is supposedly due to be released in late 2012.
The origin of the rumor for the codename (and many other details) was started by French technology publication 01net. 01net previously revealed the technical specifications of NGP before it was announced. Claims have been made that the new machine is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Many sources agree that the new controller features a 6-inch touchscreen. 01net took it a step further and claimed that the touchscreen would be single-touch. Nintendo has not commented on these claims, saying only that "Nintendo does not comment on rumors or speculation". However, according to CVG, a Nintendo of America representative (when questioned about the new console) apparently signed off an email to GameInformer with "Stay tuned".
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