Profession ban

Profession ban is law, laws or practice, which means that a person is hindered to perform one or more occupations. There is also another meaning of the term profession ban, namely: profession ban may prevail even if a ban does not exist. For profession ban may also mean that someone is prevented from exercising a profession because of the existence of obligations, duties and similar, which require specific qualifications or license, and that the requirements are of a different nature than the requirements of competence.
If a person is prevented from exercising a profession only for the same one is incompetent you probably therefore not call it a profession ban. It is for reasons other than competence as a person or group is subject to profession ban, such as any regime that wants to impede or stop any political, cultural or ethnic (or any other) person, group or sex.
A typical penalty is that some criminals are condemned to certain profession bans, thus prohibiting them from performing certain professions. Occupation Prohibition may exist in different degrees, some are more radical than others, thus more prolonged or extensive than others. At martial law, for example during war, laws on profession ban may be changed or become radical, see martial law.
In some states there is legislation enforcing profession bans (such as is in Saudi Arabia). Profession bans and the like are known far back in history. For example, in the Roman Empire, Jews were not allowed to perform medical care and they were not allowed to handle food for non-Jews. Radical legislation has existed in many regimes, not only in communist- and nazi-regimes. Radical legislation is currently active in, for example, Israel where non-Jews can’t perform certain professions, and one must even be of certain descent to perform certain professions or use certain rights. In most countries, it may be possible to convert to "right" ideology or religion to be able to perform all professions, but it is not always easy to be "approved", even if one has changed one's mind. Another example is Sweden. There you earlier must be Lutheran Christian to have some key positions. And one must still be that to be regent in Sweden. Similar laws exist in many states.
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