Product registration

Product Registration is a way to allow Consumers to send information about themselves and the product they have just purchased to the company or brand that made the product in the first place. This typically occurs after a purchase in a brick & mortar store or online.
Product Registration has probably existed since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and when you could put a postcard in the mail with a high degree of certainty that it would safely reach the recipient.
Reasons for Product Registration
Cross Sell/Up Sell
The larger the number of people a company has in its customer database, the more people is has to market to. Let's say that a database converts at a rate of 5% i.e. if a company sends out 100 emails to its customers that invites them to make a purchase, 5 people will do so. Let's also assume that the company sells a product for $100. The company can expect to make $500 from that email campaign. This is called conversion. Product Registration Data tends to be of a high quality that includes First Name, Last Name, Email and the Product that was purchased and so it is a great way to increase the number of customers in a database and, therefore, the value or revenue that can be driven from it.
Customer Service
Very often, companies will offer a Customer Service option for its customers, typically via online text or an 800 Number. This is great for the customer struggling with an aspect of the product and great for the company, because it build good will with its customers. But, it can be expensive and companies are keen that calls are kept as short as possible. If a customer has registered a product, call times can be reduced because the customer does not have to look for a serial number and model.
Types of Product Registration
# Paper
# Web Form
# QR Code
# Texting a Photo
Reasons for Product Registration
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