Prasanna Santhekadur

Prasanna Santhekadur is an Indian Author in Kannada language and a Scientist, and a recipient of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) travel grant (2011) and Young Investigator Award from American Association of Indian Scientists in cancer Research (AAISCR, Inc.) for his contribution to the cancer research (2011). He is the author of Mayapanjara (The Magical cage): A short stories collection . which was very well received in Karnataka 2019, and his second book Ettana Allama Ettana Ramana? Is about the life of two mystics and philosophers of India (Allama Prabhu and Ramana Maharshi) and this book is published in the same year 2019.
Early life
Prasanna Santhekadur was born in Santhekadur, a small hamlet near Shimoga, Karnataka, South India in 1979 and educated at Sahyadri Science College, Shimoga, and later at the University of Mysore.
He completed his master's and PhD degree in Biotechnology and Cancer Research by presenting his thesis on the role of natural compounds on tumor angiogenesis.
Following the completion of his PhD degree in 2009, he move to the USA and joined the Virginia Commonwealth University as a Post Doctoral Fellow and later as an Assistant Professor at same the University. He moved back to India in December 2018.
He is currently an Associate Professor in Biochemistry at JSS Medical College, (JSSAHER), Mysore, Karnataka, India. His scientific research area is focused on Nonalcoholic Fatty liver disease, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Obesity and Metabolism.
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