Prakhin International Literary Award


==Annual Literary Award for Non Fiction "The Truth about Holocaust & Stalinist Repression"==
The Prakhin International Literary Award is a Literary Award for Non-Fiction writing on the topics of Holocaust and Stalinist Repression conducted by Prakhin International Literary Foundation. Annual Award "The Truth about Holocaust & Stalinist Repression" awards a non fiction book on the topic of Stalinist repression and/or Holocaust.
* Ellen Cassedy "We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust"
* Nechama Tec"Defiance: The Bielski Partisans"
*Timothy D. Snyder Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
*Ludwik Kowalski "Hell On Earth: Brutality and Violemce Under The Stalinist Regime."
==Annual Student Award "The Truth About Holocaust and Stalinist Repression"==
Prakhin International Literary Foundation conducts an annual student award together with the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education. The award is presented for the best literary work of non fiction in prose, poetry, art, drama created by a student.
*2013 Groups of Volunteers that provided aid for elderly victims (many Holocaust survivors) of Hurricane Sandy
*2012 Sosua: Dare to Dance Together a project of the YM & YWHA of Washington Heights & Inwood
*2011 Anastassia Melnikoff, a University of North Florida journalism and international studies major, for her essay “Stalin GULAG with a Camera around the Camps.”
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