Prakash Gantela

Mr. Prakash holds a bachelor's degree in Math and a PG in English. He had served in Union of Evangelical Students of India, a 50-year-old student movement working among post metric students of India spreading the gospel of Christ, for 13 plus years, as Editor of its official monthly Telugu magazine Vidyarthi Jwala. Since then he has been actively involved in the state both as writer and speaker defending Christian faith in different settings and participated in philosophical and rational debates sharing platforms with both Christian and non-Christian thinkers and leaders. In the past twenty years he spoke and debated on crucial issues like Casteism, Vaastu, Guruism, God and Science, Evolution or Creation, Clonning and Creator, Is the Bible historical?, How to Interpret the Bible?, The Uniqueness of Christ, The Resurrection of Christ, etc.
For a few years, Mr. Prakash was on the national faculty of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, an international organisation committed to reach the thinkers and policy makers with God’s truth. He is the founder of Christian Thinkers Forum which aims to develop biblical thinking among Indian Christians and reasons for the Christian Hope before the skeptics, atheists and friends of other faiths. He is the Founder President of Spruha Foundation, a social service org that seeks to reach the marginalized and the underprivileged with Christian love in deed.
He is the author of “Bible Anweshana”, a Telugu booklet on How to Understand the Bible? He penned down innumerous articles on spiritual, social, scientific, philosophical and theological issues with regard to Human life and Christian faith in the past two decades.
He founded Christian Thinkers Forum (CTF) in 2005 in order to reach the thinkers and scholars in India with truth. Under the CTF banner he engaged in dialogue with Atheists like Dr. P.M. Bhargava, founder of CCMB, Hyderabad and Hindu Gurus like Swami Dayanada Saraswathi, a leading Bhagvadgita scholar from Rishikesh. He is also the Founder President of Spruha Foundation, a non-profitable organization committed to reach the poor and the needy in terms of educational, social, legal, medical and physical needs.
He is also a regular TV speaker who speaks on Rakshana TV, a Telugu Christian Satellite Channel, in Asalaina Prashna Sisalaina Javaabu with a global viewership of nearly 60 lakhs.
He worked as Asst. Professor in Christu Jayanthi Jubilee PG College, Guntur, teaching language and soft skills to MCA’s and MBA’s till recently. Now he is based at Guntur working for LOGOS Public School, a school with a Christian vision for education in India, for which he is the Founding Principal.
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