Prabhavishnu Swami

Prabhavisnu Swami (; born in 1950 in Belfast, Northern Ireland) is a Hindu Gaudiya Vaishnava religious figure, initiating guru (1987-2012) and member of the Governing Body Commission (1984-2012) of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). As of 2010 he supervised the activities of ISKCON in Russia (Far East and Southern region), Latvia, India (Bihar, Jharkhand and Sikkim), Nepal, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. Prabhavishnu Swami gave up his position of leadership in ISKCON in January 2012 because he was unable to maintain required standards for those holding such positions. He wrote that he had become physically and mentally exhausted due to constant travel and managerial pressures and that it was draining having to try to solve disputes amongst devotees.
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