Power Cell

Power cells are the main item in the Jak and Daxter game. They are the item Jak must collect throughout the entire game. They are acquired by collecting tasks or just finding them out in the wild. Some certain tasks are finding all the scout flies in an area. There are seven of these in each area. Each time you defeat a boss, you will get one from the boss except for Gol and Maia. Power Cells are yellow in color and float above the ground. When Jak picks one up, the four orbitting objects around it retract back into their respective holes.

Notables about Power Cells

* There is a large model of a power cell above the forbidden temple.
* Daxter does one of many dances each time you collect a power cell.
* The Power Cell song is played once in Jak II, in a parody of obtaining an important item (a flag from a tower).
* There are 101 Power Cells in the whole game, but you only need 100 of them to view the secret movie
* If you have all 100 when you beat Gol and Maia then you can view the real ending - a cliffhanger leading to the events of Jak II.
* On average, there are at least three power cells in each level, with A-grav Zoomer stages among the few with two.

* The theme song for the Power Cell is used in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando.
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