Postwar Positioning of Kosovo

In societies such is Kosovo, which faces severe economic problems; job insecurity is one of the most important issues that average people face in their life. The discrepancy between demographic trends and economic development in Kosovo constitutes a structural threat to long term security. Every year, around 20.000 young people are ready to enter the labor market, while the unemployment rate is up to 42,2 %. A large disillusioned and not proper educated population of youth can therefore easily turn into criminality or part of social upheaval movement’s.
Applied foreign policy by the Kosovo Government
Kosovo Foreign Affairs Ministry’s mission is to formulate and implement Kosovo’s foreign policy, protect Kosovo interests vis-à-vis other countries and international organizations. Its mission also is to represent Kosovo abroad, preserve and protect immunities and privileges of diplomatic missions , persons whom they belong to in accordance with international laws and conventions, develop and coordinate policies vis-à-vis other countries.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotes and protects Kosovo’s national cultural and economical policies.
Followed objectives by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in regards to foreign policy
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo is committed to protecting and securing the country’s independence, defending state interests in the international arena, promoting Kosovo’s political and economic interests, and protecting and representing the rights and interests of its citizens. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo pledges to commit to the maximum toward raising the subjectivity of our new state, achieving the recognition of Kosovo’s independence by the majority of states in the international community, establishing diplomatic relations with these states, cultivating close and special relations with the United States of America, building a strategic partnership with the European Union and NATO and progressing swiftly through the EU integration process, starting with visa liberalization for Kosovo’s citizens.
Kosovo as an attractive country to invest in foreign development investments and tourism
* First, knowing the fact that Kosovo is a post conflict country in transition, with a weak economy it has concentrated a lot of efforts in promoting itself as attractive country for foreign development investments in order to help its economy to develop. Currently, this is an ongoing process.
* Second, when given the appropriate host-country policies and a basic level of development, a preponderance of studies shows that foreign development investments triggers technology spillovers, assists human capital formation, contributes to international trade integration, helps create a more competitive business environment and enhances enterprise development. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kosovo, this is one of the key objectives which have been followed during the last years of activity.
* Third, the application of the above mentioned policies, has directly contributed in lowering the percentage of poverty and creating new employment opportunities.
* Finally, foreign developments have been a major help in improving environmental and social conditions in the host country by, for example, transferring “cleaner” technologies and leading to more socially responsible corporate policies.
* An under constructing developed economy is helping Kosovo to improve its image and also accelerates the integration of Kosovo in EU and other important International institutions.
* Since the post-war period of 1999, the development of the tourism sector has been another economic activity for Kosovo. Considering that Kosovo has a lot of potential in becoming a key tourism center, the current strategies have shown a significant development in the promotion of this concept and in the eco-tourism.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) have mobilized and hired local and international consultants and consulting companies that are specialized and experienced in preparing promotion strategies and promoting countries as attractive for foreign investments.
* With the development of the key concepts and strategy, the MFA has also allocated an amount of budget for promoting Kosovo through international media such as, CNN, BBC, CNBC, Euro news, Euro sport, etc. Currently, there are a few major produced videos circulating on YouTube, videos which have been transmitted on the above stated media channels.
Lobbying for the recognition of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state
* First of all UN is the oldest organization established 1945 with its main objective to maintain international peace and security .Kosovo is currently in the stabilization and association process which is set by the EU members. This implies that the current strategies are a primary plan to integrate Kosovo in the Eu, which results in the advantages of being supported from the leadership of existent superpower of the United States.
* Secondly, current programs have made possible the benefiting of Kosovo in the short term aid program programs provided by organization such as UNDP, UNICEF, World Bank, World Food Program, World Health Organization etc .Therefore, under the activities provided by these organizations Kosovo benefits as being part of the peace keeping forces in times of war and conflict, all countries can gather together to solve issues facing the entire planet such as global warming and terrorism. The fundamental concept is becoming long-term provided and this is possible only by becoming part of EU
* Thirdly, as all countries that join UN agree to live by the basic rules and principles of the “club” to respect human rights, avoid conflict - which is one of the aims of the UN to try and improve the living standards of the world’s poorest people.
* Finally, having in mind that, today we are living in a world were security of the country is a real and priority issue, it is considered that the join of Kosovo in the United Nations peace, security and human rights will be guaranteed.
Integration of Kosovo in European Union
The Kosovo Policies for European Integration are a framework that describes the process of the integration in the EU by Kosovo. The “how-to” has been a complex issue in the process. “How-to” is a procedure through the system established by the EU Copenhagen Criteria, modified and simplified in a mechanism of the Stabilization and Association Process (SAP), projected and communicated as the European Partnership (EP), and made actionable by the Kosovo government through the European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP).
Policies have been crucial in the institutional set-up and the administrative structure . The institutional set-up, currently in place, either established as a means to undertake policy responsibilities that have been identified by the EU integration process or using the overall institutional set-up, is of immense importance.
* As the European Union today is the largest economic bloc in the world accounting for nearly one-third of global gross domestic product (GDP) and nearly half of global trade.
* Kosovo is implementing strategies in accordance with the EU strategies which are the free movement of people, goods, capital and services would be guaranteed. This implies that Kosovo benefits from the free movement within the union, while the European Union is the future of the states of the Europe continent.
* As a stand point, on one hand, EU is further developing the concept of being ‘All deferent-all equal” while Kosovo has drastically improved the human rights and the equal opportunities among its citizens.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such success could and will be only developed by the determined work which is applicable by the framework of the EU countries. MFA has done extensive work in the support of the Ministry of European Integration in enhancing their absorption capacities of the EU Technical Assistance.
Regional Cooperation
Throughout history, the regional cooperation among Western Balkan has played an essential role in the EU Enlargement Strategy for South-East Europe. However, bilateral disputes and disagreements related to Kosovo continue to affect regional cooperation negatively. Government of Kosovo authorities ensures Kosovo’s regional and international representation. The Kosovo authorities, however, are not accepted as a successor to UNMIK by some parties to these agreements. The functioning of regional institutions could be jeopardized if no solutions for the representation of Kosovo within these institutions are found. As such, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is confident that the strategies that have been implemented recently put such cases out of danger.
* Recently the problems and tensions between Kosovo and Serbia regarding the reciprocity measures is very negatively affecting the CEFTA agreement, therefore the authorities have implemented quick solutions that are in the benefit of both countries. A result of such, wasn’t possible without the intervention of the EU countries which made possible the decrease in tension.
* According to the MFA the regional cooperation was promoted for the main three reasons: political, economic and security — for which regional cooperation in the western Balkans is crucial, this is closely interlinked with stability.
* Regional stability and security are key for the economic development, which in turn favors stability and security in the region.
Kosovo Digital Diplomacy
As a bottom-line, Kosovo has achieved great results in the global Internet infrastructure, as well as using online communication channels to improve perceptions of Kosovo in support of the country’s economic, cultural and political developments. Kosovo digital diplomacy supports civil society initiatives and projects such as digital diplomacy project initiated by civil society organizations but partially supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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