
Postsocialism is the dissociation of the socialist framework as the new current and aftermath of socialism since the 1980's. It began first in the Soviet dissociation and the Eastern Europe's dossociation. It was originally economic reformation trying to ignore the corruption of socialism in the economic sense. China also began her dossociation from socialism in the economic and trade policies. Cuba became another American island in military and economic zonings. Socialist Western Europe opend their economic zones to global capitalism and trade. The only socialist country in the world, North Korea, is now being challenged for its closed economy and its cloing tendencies.
Postsocialism in the Political Sector
Postsocialism began in the political sectors as the collagse of the communist parties in Russia and other Eastern European countries, and the new phase of politics has been changed into the socialist labor parties as similarly practiced in England and European corporatism. The socialist labor politics is being transformed into the socialist democratic party models recently, but the change is very slow and painful in those related countries.
Postsocialism in the Economic Sector
Postsocialism saw the demise of the centralized planned economy in the falls of Stalinism and Leninism, but they actually enjoyed the blooming of the socialist welfare economies within the diversified framework upon the French and legal principle that all men are born equal. Now, they are clashing to get the remained heritage of the European corporatism, trying to apply it to their own economy. For the time being, in the first and second decades of the twenty-first century, the Eastern European bloc will remain within their own economic regionalism, ignoring the cultural heritage and flowing of the Western economy.
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