
Pol-PRIMETT Project is an initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Prevention of and Fight Against Crime programme. It is allocated a budget of 1.2 million euro from September 2010 to August 2013. This project aims to increase collaboration between sectors and countries, to increase knowledge and share good practice in tackling metal theft.
Metal theft is a transnational problem undertaken by Organised Crime Group's (OCG) moving goods across the EU for disposal, which threatens the economies of EU countries. Intelligence gaps exist concerning a wide range of issues; little is known by police about activities in other countries or about problems faced by the private sector on a transnational basis. Cross border law enforcement is a barrier to fighting metal theft and criminals will always retain the edge unless resource is allocated to international efforts, which encourage cross border and cross sectoral collaboration.
Pol-PRIMETT will provide a transnational perspective on the problem and propose strategic and operational solutions which can be applied in partner countries (UK, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece).
* To address metal theft on a transnational basis, to produce problem profiles for different countries, comparing them for the purpose of mutual understanding and cross border and public-private cooperation.
* To explore and develop horizontal approaches and responses to the challenges of metal theft, including LEA's and other public bodies, the private sector and applied technology
* To develop a communications strategy between all partners to reduce, detect and deter metal theft; to support enforcement and crime reduction initiatives; to identify and disseminate best practice
* To explore and assess the involvement of OCG's in metal theft
* To organise a series of transnational events to improve operational cooperation, mutual understanding and dissemination of good practice.
* To provide a legacy of collaboration and good practice at the end of the Pol-PRIMETT Project.
Planned Outcomes
To create Expert User Groups (EUG) to improve levels of transnational liaison, intelligence and enforcement practices amongst LEA's, the private sector and other stakeholders
Through EUG activity, assist various business sectors to be better positioned to prevent and deter metal theft
Organise a series of transnational events, which share intelligence, enforcement, detection and prevention techniques
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