Plugged In

Plugged In is the entertainment reviewing arm of Focus On The Family, a Christian conservative organization. It describes itself as a pop culture review web site that connects millions of individuals and families with reviews of current movies, music, TV shows, video games, and books, as well as offering timely cultural commentary via its daily blog.
About Plugged In
Plugged In is a resource designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate and impact the culture in which they live. Through reviews, blogs, articles and discussions, the Plugged In team hopes to spark intellectual thought, spiritual growth and a desire to follow the command of Colossians 2:8: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
Plugged In's web site continues what the magazine did, reviewing movies, music, television, video games, and books. It also has a blog and a weekly email newsletter.
* Bob Waliszewski - Director
* Steven Isaac - Online Editor
* Adam R. Holz - Sr. Associate Editor
* Bob Hoose - Sr. Associate Editor
* Paul Asay - Sr. Associate Editor
* Jim Daly - President, Focus on the Family
* James Dobson - Founder, Focus on the Family, Retired
* Bob Smithouser - Former Editor
* Marcus Yoars - Former Associate Editor
* Kevin Simpson - Former Designer
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