PIVX is an open source cryptocurrency created in February 2016 that focuses on fast transactions and privacy. PIVX is an acronym for “Private Instant Verified Transaction”, and is a fork of DASH, with the aim to make a more stable and secure alternative, with increased decentralization. PIVX has inherited many features from DASH, such as instant transactions (SwiftTX), private transactions, and the master node method of decentralization. PIVX currently uses Bitcoin 0.10.x core, and is the first Proof-of-stake (Blackcoin Proof of Stake 3.0 protocol) cryptocurrency to do so.
PIVX currently has over 6 core developers, as well as the full support of the community, who are working on adding such features as IPv6 support and a full time modified libzerocoin protocol.
PIVX was first created under the name Darknet but was soon rebranded to PIVX. The initial Proof of Work phase was retired in August 2016 when it switched to Proof of Stake.
Master Nodes
A Master Node is similar to a user in which they have a wallet and the same blockchain but a Master Node has additional features, such as coin mixing, voting, and general management of the network. This creates a structure but still enables decentralization by making sure anyone with the resources to manage a Master Node can run one.
Seesaw Reward System
The Seesaw Reward system is the main difference between PIVX and DASH. This is a variable rewards system making sure that the rewards that go to the Master Nodes are balanced with the staker's rewards.
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