Pinnaroo Primary School is a public primary school for students in grades reception to 7. The school is in the small farming community of Pinnaroo, South Australia and has approximately 70 students. The school has four composites classes - Reception, Grades 1, 2 and 3, Grades 4 and 5, and Grades 6 and 7. It is the only school within 30km of the town. The school's principal is Paul Pitkin and the school slogan is Aim High. The school regularly takes part in Interschool sports with neighbouring schools Lameroo and Geranium in swimming and athletics. The school also takes part in SAPSASA with the Murray Mallee team in sports such as Australian Rules Football, Cricket, Athletics, Swimming, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Netball, Basketball and Badminton. The school has four class-rooms, a GP room, an art and technical centre, a home economics centre, an FM radio station, a swimming pool, two ovals, outdoor tennis, netball and basketball courts, and a full size gymnasium.
Pinnaroo Primary School is the home of South Australia's first Community Library which opened in 1974.