2 border0 width=80%>Materialism | Spiritualism |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Monism: only one substance exists, for materialism, this substance is matter. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Dualism: two substances exists, matter & mind or in spiritualist monism, only mind exists. |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Humankind can be known or described by only matter. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size-1>Humankind does not consist of only matter. |
top>• Absence of beliefs in "supernatural"; atheism. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Beliefs : God, soul, next world, reincarnation, superstitions, supernatural systems of explanation. |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Humankind has an illusion of autonomy. It is subjected to determinism or random. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size-1>Humankind is autonomous or free. |
top>• Self-consciousness is an illusion that is generated by the complexity of the organization of matter. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size-1>Soul is autonomous. |
top>• Absence of meaning to life. Humankind fixes itself his own destiny. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Spiritual finality often of divine origin. |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Humankind, as an animal like another, is a part of nature. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size-1>Humankind dominates nature. |
top>• Humankind is a product of evolution. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Creationism |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• What are called "mysteries" are only questions unsolved by sciences. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>There are mysteries that the Humankind reason cannot and will never be able to solve. |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Our ignorance must be accepted. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Ignorance is transformed into transcendence "stopgap" or substitute, like God. |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Priority is given to the research of the "how". | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Priority is given to the research of the "why". |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Knowledge. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Faith. |
top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>• Perception. | top>"Arial,Helvetica" size=-1>Speculation. |