The Antisocial Manifesto: A Bipolar Perspective on Dissent from Society

<b>The Antisocial Manifesto: A Bipolar Perspective on Dissent from Society</b> (or more commonly known as: <b>The Antisocial Manifesto </b>), was published by Lightning Source, Inc. in early 2013 and written by an anonymous author (a.k.a. Bill Mehalus) who was clinically diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (<b>ASPD</b>) as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV TR), 2004. The Author provides a biographical account of this disease while written in the first person while including personal accounts of his own life. However, the book "reads" like a piece of fiction, full of dialogue. But the question remains: Who are Antisocials? Historic examples include: Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer & Adolph Hitler. More recently, other examples of those who have demonstrated antisocial behavior were <b>Eric David Harris</b> and <b>Dylan Klebold</b> from the Columbine High School massacre <b>Seung-Hui Cho</b>, from the Virginia Tech massacre, and <b>Adam Lanza</b> from the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre.
<b>The Antisocial Manifesto </b> is 566 pages but is divided into 6 distinct books which can be read out of sequence; however, in order to follow the path of the developing Antisocial, it is recommended to read the book from cover to cover and attempt to locate all the hidden signs and symptoms embedded by the author. The sub-book titles are:

(1) Metamorphosis: Life ~ A Book of Lies, (2) Losing My Religion 1: Detaching, (2a) Losing My Religion 2: Detaching, (3) Manic Interludes: A Day in the Life, (4) Book of Man: In the Beginning ~ Agenesis, (5) A New Beginning: Apocalypse- A Revelation, (6) Summa of the Summa: In Retrospect. All of these books are described in his own words found in the <b>Summary of the Volumes.</b>
Beginning with the <b>Introduction to the Book,</b> the author makes a caustic attack on world religions; However, the book begins at the start of his life and continues through his current age. As his life progresses, he grows to become antisocial to the very core of society: Religion. And as the book progresses, you will find yourself inside his mind and every thought process until the author reaches his threshold and final falling out with society. The author has documented every last detail of his life and others with vivid imagery that makes this the most genuine account of the developing (blossoming) Antisocial and Antisocial Personality Disorder. While this might appear grim, the end of the book will turn you upside down in a way you would not have imagined. The book is so genuine, insofar as it is intricately linked with the website, where the author provides enlarged and colorful images from the book, video footage, and original music intimately related to his mind and what you will read; all of which make <b> The Antisocial Manifesto </b> all too real and alive.

<h1>About the Author</h1>
In his own words. " I’m just a normal guy. I’ve never published a book before this one. Not due to a lack of confidence, I’m just being reasonable here, but due to the content of this book, you, the reader are probably one of the two who purchased this book. I am the other. I have no certifications, awards, titles, etc. Typically, I’m not even called Mr. I don’t have a career because, I find it very difficult to keep a job. My longest job was the Marine Corps and that’s only because I couldn’t leave when I wanted to. My life revolves around my dogs as I have so much to learn from them. They have no shame and neither do I (for the most part). With that said, perhaps we’ll cross paths one day as I ring up your movies or groceries, or perhaps, ask you for directions while on my bicycle because I can’t afford a reliable car. I hope you'll enjoyed my Life’s Chronicles (a.k.a. My Diary)...uh...I meant a 'Man-Diary.' Shut up! "

<h1>Introduction to the Book</h1>
"I am Syphilis, the Great Masquerader!….or perhaps, I’m merely a pile of dog sh*t in the high grass…..I live happily, peacefully, unnoticed, untouched, without judgment…because I am unnoticed, untouched and quietly minding my own business. I have no intentions but to live out my life in the high grass, snoozing in the semi-shaded sun, providing a little nitrogen for the grass that has provided me with a soft bed. I didn’t ask to be here, but this is where I was dropped. I am the product of your Best Friend or someone else’s. Then you came along and stepped on me. As a result, I oozed between your toes or the tread of your shoe. Only then did you know me and call me by my name, “SH*T!” The moral: you stepped on me and I responded! Religious buffoons, I am talking to you! You wanted an ‘End of Days’? You wanted a Monster? You got it!
This is the Bible of the New Era…a book written for Generations X, Y and Z. We are Modern Religion!"
<h1>A Summary of the Volumes</h1>
I began this book in 2005 following legal issues, which directly influenced my current position in life. Consequently, I began to think, “Who are these people to judge me?” After all, the legal system is composed of a board of directors (judges and magistrates) established by voters within a community who have common standards of living for which they want upheld. These standards of living are founded upon both civil and moral codes from which they find comfort for themselves and their daily lives. Accordingly, these codes were passed down and modified from generation to generation, while always remaining deeply rooted in some fictitious higher being which they called “God;” i.e. commandments/law. However, their standards, civil and moral, are not my own.
<b>Metamorphosis-Life: A Book of Lies</b> is my personal story and thoughts that reveal a former walk with the gods; however, and more importantly, it will clearly reveal the absence of god and those lonely walks I had. I never met the guy. I came to realize, all the times I needed an omnipotent benevolent god the most, he was not there. Likewise, later in life, when I didn’t need a god, the outcomes were the same as when I thought he existed and needed him. Therefore, I learned to believe in myself. Admittedly, I am more confused than ever. But I am more confused because the more I stripped god from the equation, the more I was left with questions than answers. I once thought god made us, now I don’t know. I used to think god controlled the weather, but now I don’t know. However, not knowing has caused me to ask and search for answers, while the believer asks no questions and will never find answers; i.e. their answer is, “God.” Therefore, I am better off seeking something rather than wallowing in the stagnant, vestigial waters of ignorance and gods. And I will always be two steps ahead of the Believers.
Every chapter is a year of my life to the best of my memory. And from each chapter the savvy neurologist, psychiatrist or clinician may find him/herself able to map their speculations and assumptions regarding me. They may find trends, predispositions, and proclivities that the laymen overlook. Or they may fail to see anything of any significance. As a lover of science and self-proclaimed philosopher/scientist of nothing, I am a believer in biotic and abiotic influences; i.e. influences from my own cells to influences from my environment, respectively. Hence, each chapter/year is preceded by the subject location (I, being that Subject) followed by unrelated events that transpired around the universe during that same time frame (time: a very strange thing). And finally, each chapter is beautifully crowned with a famous quote from somewhere in the past which may or may not resonate today. I’ve read many books in my lifetime and selected only the best adages, from Jesus Christ to Adolf Hitler. Regardless of your personal beliefs, their words made it into history, whether they were famous or infamous. Where are your words? Therefore, I included them to demonstrate how the pen can be mightier than the sword. And while swords may take lives, words take nations!
<b>Losing My Religion 1 & 2</b> began around the age of 26 years. It was my event horizon. At just over a quarter of a century in age, I essentially took a step back from, so called, reality in order to become as objective as possible so that I could analyze my life’s data up to the present. In the process, I detached. And as you will read, this was the age of my first “melt-down.” Within the pages that launched the volume, I desperately struggled to retain and validate my dwindling religious convictions by combatively skewing and misinterpreting popular scientific speculation. My actions and convictions were out of desperation like a drowning swimmer lashing at the water’s edge while struggling for air. In retrospect, I am grateful I never resurfaced. For within those very waters of scientific speculation-which I vehemently thrashed against- there existed the welcoming, outstretched, unbiased, indifferent, and impersonal arms of science to welcome me home. This volume also marks the time of love acquired and love lost. A strange love it was, as this relationship, per se, acted as a catalyst in my reflective process. Without this event, my life would have taken another one of Feynman’s alternate routes. And I’m relatively satisfied with my current conditions compared to the other possibilities that I’ll never know since I continually have trouble remembering my alternate future.

<b>Losing My Religion</b> was my threshold. Intuitively, many people think of thresholds as peaks on a graph, and in many ways, this volume was. This threshold was a peak insofar as my life went downhill relative to my relationship with society; however, it also acted as a trough insofar as my reflection of me and also from which understanding of my surroundings increased. I guess, in a way, this volume (or period in life) induced a total darkness to the reality I once knew. This period in time caused a shift in my life’s light-waves causing the overlap of peaks and troughs resulting in darkness/nothingness. I, in essence, became blind to the fictitious world that I once knew, but enlightened to the world within. Like a child, I began to learn, all over again.

<b>The Manic Interludes</b> is the period when my delusions of grandeur really took off. They are of no significance to the book proper and can be skipped. The book chapters continue to flow without them. However, they are perfect reflections of my manic-depressive and antisocial mind at that time. Appropriately pasted at the start of Manic Interludes is the page of eyes. They are mine. All of them. And although you think you are looking into my life as if watching me, all my life I have been watching you and gathering meaningless data. Like a bird watcher, I have been watching, gathering, interpreting, and judging you (the birds), sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously (But, could I really know if I was doing it unconsciously if I’m unconscious of it?) The Interludes are scattered throughout the chapters from this point unto the end. And they fluctuate from humorous to hostile. This period was a whirlwind of speculation and the product of many sleepless nights of sheer excitement founded in the mental hinterlands of my mind where the truth and lies became the same. It was here that the silence was deafening, the darkness was blinding, and I illuminated in my mind’s eye as I became happy. Unbeknownst to me, I had entered the realm of Charlie Manson’s, “No sense, makes sense.” And from here, there was no turning back.
<b>The Book of Man</b> is full of speculation and there is little evidence or references for these assertions, however it will require less faith in the magical, mystical realm of the adulthood imaginary friends known as gods. This book too is of no significance to the book proper and can be skipped. The book chapters continue to flow without them. However, again, they are perfect reflections of my progressively sickened mind at that time. It offers an explanation of our past based on a combination of science and logic, in a biblical format. The central thrust is as follows and is the only take-home point the reader need retain: just because science cannot explain, prove, or disprove a subject matter in the current era, does <u>not</u> mean it will not in the future. Thus, it is completely erroneous for anyone to attribute that lack of current knowledge or understanding as a quality of some fictitious god. For example, to say, “How did the universe come into being? I don’t know. So it ‘must be’ the works of a god,” is an erroneous assertion and an unacceptable, extraordinary leap of deductive reasoning. Yet, we as a society still have gods. And this is due to ignorance and laziness. Hence, the conquering of laziness and ignorance by conquering gods is the objective of this book and the volumes within represent the path I took.
<b>The Book of Man</b> is a reinterpretation of the history of the universe from its beginning up until our modern era. It is in fact, in and of itself, a theory attempting to explain how we, as Mankind, arrived at our present era and current understandings therein. Believe it or not, it matters not. The assertions may not be true, but they are more tangible and more likely than a god.
<b>A New Beginning</b> is the sequel to the <b>Book of Man.</b> This volume picks up where mankind left off “In the Beginning.” <b>The Apocalypse ~ A Revelation</b> is hostile. It attempts to offer a painful solution to mankind’s greatest nemesis, the enigma of god and man’s dependence thereupon. This book too is of no significance to the book proper and can be skipped. The book chapters continue to flow without them.
Over the centuries, this infrastructure of religion has proven to be just as, or more, guilty as the tobacco industry for selling a lie, insofar as, the god-product endorses and perpetuates ignorance, hate, and war. And for those who refuse the product, they are offered the intimidating eternal after-life of damnation or eternal life in the absence of God, which alludes to a form of damnation. In essence, this god product extorts Mankind: believe in it, worship it, serve it, and buy it, lest ye experience eternal damnation and rejection from society. Even the tobacco industry was more kind to their prospective users insofar as their previous campaigns that essentially consisted of: see it, read it, believe it, and buy it, lest ye experience peer pressure and be cast out of certain clichés.
The tobacco industry was found guilty for their claims and held liable for the direct effects of their product to the tune of over 240 billion dollars. More importantly, no individual was held accountable, only the industry as a whole. Therefore, A New Beginning condemns and penalizes the religious industry for selling years of ignorance, lies, deceit, and politically induced obstruction of science, hate and war. And during this fictitious reign of the Anti-god, all denominations, to include the non-denominational, are exterminated like rats.
<b>Summa of the Summa</b> is in fact, as the name indicates, a summary of my summaries and therefore does not attempt to introduce any new reasonable/unreasonable Manic Interludes. It is a retrospective of my final years. The Summa is an “Ode to the Greatest Beyond” and its brevity is consistent with the knowledge therein. The Summa proposes a more humane and diplomatic solution to religion.
The combined “books” form the entirety of me. And I ask you, the reader, at any time that you doubt anything or do not understand what is written herein, look it up and confirm or deny its validity. Unfortunately, sometimes the truth is hard to swallow, while undiscovered and productive lies always seem to comfort, for at least, a little while. Regardless, the majority of the world is ignorant and naïve and prefers to live that way. Or they are just too lazy to question. And this does not exclude the areas of medicine, law, or science for even they too contain several practicing ignoramuses.
My life and its current societal standing is not my preference and my callousness reflects this. But it is my lot in life due to the apparent choices I’ve made. Thus, I have purchased this lot. But do not despise me for this; instead, reflect upon your own shortcomings first and then apply yourself to the rigorous and unyielding boundaries of your foreboding religious principle: “Judge not, lest ye be judged!” I have no Judge so I am completely free and therefore your judgments mean nothing to me!
<h1>Antisocial Personality Disorder</h1>
Antisocial personality disorder is a mental health condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. This behavior is often criminal.
<b><u>Causes, incidence, and risk factors:</u></b>
The causes of antisocial personality disorder are unknown. Genetic factors and child abuse are believed to contribute to the development of this condition. People with an antisocial or alcoholic parent are at increased risk. Far more men than women are affected. The condition is common in people who are in prison. Fire-setting and cruelty to animals during childhood are linked to the development of antisocial personality.
A person with antisocial personality disorder may:

Be able to act witty and charming

Be good at flattery and manipulating other people's emotions

Break the law repeatedly

Disregard the safety of self and others

Have problems with substance abuse

Lie, steal, and fight often

Not show guilt or remorse

Often be angry or arrogant
Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most difficult personality disorders to treat. People with this condition rarely seek treatment on their own. They may only start therapy when required to by a court. The effectiveness of treatment for antisocial personality disorder is not known. Treatments that show the person the negative consequences of illegal behavior seem to hold the most promise.
Symptoms tend to peak during the late teenage years and early 20s. They sometimes improve on their own by a person's 40s. Complications can include imprisonment, drug abuse, violence, and suicide.

<h1>Antisocial vs. Therapist</h1>

In closing I have a message to all psychologist, psychiatrist and other behavioral health providers. I know that it is common belief in your profession that there is no help or treatment for the Antisocial. You cannot help him. Although, pharmaceuticals are useful, insofar as they provide the Antisocial with a level head to think it through. But your therapy and counseling is child’s play and meaningless to him. He will chew you up and spit you out.

Over a course of therapy, it will resemble this: First, you will resent him and he you. But he knows what he’s doing. He will then begin to show you minor and insignificant chinks in his wall (minor and insignificant to him because they are decoys). Then he will begin to tell you everything you want to hear because he has already figured you out and how you think just by looking around your office and seeing what’s on your walls and desk that you deem important in your life; important enough that you brought them to your workplace. Furthermore, he was listening to your “subtle” comments reflective of your own personal ideology regarding anything in life. Thus, you will have exposed caveats of your principles. And like an algorithm, he will trim the branches of your life’s tree until he finds your thrust towards life; life as you believe it should be. He will be more able to predict your every move. Then he will make you feel sorry for him. He will make you feel slightly guilty for not being a better shoulder to cry on , as if you’re not doing something right. But, he will keep coming back to you with apparent dedication which reflects his apparent devotion to healing as well as to give you another shot at helping him because, he’s really trying .

He will begin to ask you minor personal questions and you will answer them because, “He’s more than just a patient. He’s a really nice guy after all who’s asking for help. And he’s doing better, I can tell, and this means I’m doing my job well. I’m seeing results from my meaningless jibber-jabber. He makes me feel good, like I’m having a positive effect upon him.”
And now he has formed a perfect mold of you. And now he will become a mimic of you. He will make you like him. Then he will tell you that he’s been doing “GREAT!” implying that it was all due to you, your greatness, and your superior insight and therapy . And you will feel wonderful about yourself. You’ll feel so wonderful that you’ll write him a glowing report. And then, he will walk away forever, laughing, with your recommendation letter needed by the courts as proof of a successful Anger Management program or mandatory hours of therapy.

And this is who we are. We are master manipulators. There’s no lie we haven’t tested and deemed useful or not. There’s no “type” of person we haven’t met. We have many names, many faces, many aliases. We are changelings. We are mimics. But we are not hopeless. There is a fix for us. Although we will never unlearn our abilities, we will practice using them less until we adopt a way of socializing like normal people do. But only the Antisocial can heal himself. He made himself and only he can unmake himself. He f*cked up his life and only he can un-f*ck it. <Wiki does not allow cursing>
But in your attempted therapy, your only hope to pushing him in the right direction is really very simple. During the course of therapy, when he begins to ask subtle questions, regardless of what they are, the answer is always the negative.

For example; do you like apples or oranges? Neither . Do you like Halloween or Christmas better? Neither . Do you like rainy days? No . Do you like chocolate? No . Do you have kids? No . Are you married? No . What do you think of this or that? I don’t think of either. If you find yourself tired of being asked questions, you simply say, “We’re here for you, not me.”

Your wall must be stronger than his or he will knock it down and walk right over you. “No” is what the Antisocial has heard his entire life. You can’t do this and you can’t do that. And due to the frustrations that “No” has caused him his entire life, he will accidentally reveal his real self. “No” is like kryptonite to the Antisocial. “No” rattles our cages. “No” is a wrench in the spokes to our game. “No” makes us angry. “No” is a limit. “No” is a boundary. “No” is a law. “No” is a rule. “No” f*cks up our game. And that’s the only game we know and the only one we’ve played our whole life. We know “No” all too well. We’ve said “No” to you and all that you’ve stood for, for as long as we can remember. So when the Antisocial sits down in a room with a therapist, he knows that his deepest, most secure, and final stronghold (his mind, his game) is about to come under fire. So be strong, but more importantly, be careful.

One last recommendation, never accept gifts from the Antisocial. Nothing. No so much as belly-button lint. He leaves with what he brought in. A gift is a Trojan Horse. A gift is inviting the vampire in. Whatever the gift is, it must be of no significance to you and you are not interested in keeping it. Not because there’s a rule that says you can’t, but because you really have no interest in it. Trust me ;-) HA!
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