Philippe Cadène

Philippe Cadène is a professor of geography at Paris Diderot University, affiliated to the Centre d'études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (CESSMA). Although he is particularly known for his works on economic development in India , his research on globalization also led him to study South-East Asia and Persian Gulf countries.
Philippe Cadène was born in 1955 in the South of France. He studied at the University of Toulouse II-Le Mirail where he defended his Ph.D. thesis, supervised by Professor Bernard Kayser, in 1985. His initial works examined the socio-economic changes related to the urbanisation of rural areas, particularly in the periurban areas. In the early 1980's, Philippe Cadène started doing research on small and medium sized towns in India, where he highlighted the emergence of industrial districts as hubs of multiple networks built around new and ancient local communities. He has since extended his work to the cities of Persian Gulf countries, where he analysed the socioeconomic changes in the region.
After concluding a series of research projects in India at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, and at the Sudasien Institut at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, he was appointed research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) within the Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud (CEIAS) of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
His research subsequently focused on the economic and regional dynamics in India in which cities play an important role. In 1995, he got a position of professor in urban geography at the University of Paul Valéry in Montpellier. He then began his research within the Maison de la Géographie de Montpellier created by Roger Brunet and participated in the creation of the research centre ESPACE (Unité Mixte de Recherche).
In 2000, he was appointed Professor in development studies at Paris Diderot University. While continuing his research on India, his teaching and research extended beyond South Asia, in diverse Asian countries and more particularly in Arab states of the Persian Gulf. His publications then focused on the issues of globalisation and regional development , which he notably taught at Sciences Po Paris. He also published various textbooks and atlases for students and the general public .
During his career, Philippe Cadène has also been professor and invited researcher in several institutes of research and teaching in Asia : the Institut Français de Pondicherry, the University of Kyoto, the University of Séoul, the University of Utara Malaysia, the University of Kebamgsaan Malaysia, and the Université of Sorbonne Abu Dhabi. He also often teaches at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai.
Scientific approach
Trained to structuralist approaches in geography and anthropology, Philippe Cadène uses systemic and interdisciplinary methodologies and emphasises on qualitative data collection and long-term fieldworks. He tries to consider the various scales in which social processes are embedded, and he mixes quantitative and qualitative data to understand the dynamics of territorial systems. He generally approaches globalisation as a multi-scale process of territorial production. He also pays particular attention to the cities and the political relations between them within increasingly large regional boundaries.
Major publications
* Philippe Cadène, La construction d'une vaste région économique au nord-ouest de l'Inde : le corridor de développement Delhi-Mumbai (the building of a large economic region in North-West India; the Delhi-Mumbai development corridor), Bulletin de l'Association des Géographes Français (BAGF), pp.40-61, 2017
* Philippe Cadène, La géographie comme science sociale à l'ère de la mondialisation (Geography as social sciences at the time of globalisation), in Gukto (Planning and Policy), n° 351, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, 2011
* Philippe Cadène, Société de la connaissance et politiques de développement aux Emirats Arabes Unis (Knowledge society and development policy in the UAE), Maghreb-Machrek, n° 195, 2008
* Philippe Cadène, L’Asie du Sud dans la mondialisation (South Asia towards globalization), in P. Cadène (Ed.), Mondialisation. L’intégration des pays en développement, Paris, SEDES, Coll. DIEM, 2007
* Philippe Cadène, La dynamique spatiale des grandes entreprises en Inde (The spatial dynamics of big enterprises in India), in Kermel D. et all. (Eds.), Dynamiques spatiales de l'industrialisation. Chine, Inde, Thaïlande, Paris, UNESCO, 2003
* Philippe Cadène, Industrial districts and integration of Indian space, in P. Cadène et M. Holmstrom (Eds), Decentralized production in India. Industrial districts, flexible specialization and employment, New-Delhi, Sage Publications, 1998
* Philippe Cadène, Le rôle des castes marchandes dans l'économie indienne aujourd'hui. Le cas des Jains dans une petite ville du Rajasthan (The importance of merchant castes in the contemporary Indian economy: the case of the Jains in a small town of Rajasthan), in Les Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale, 1995, n°35-36
* Philippe Cadène, L'usage des espaces péri-urbains: Une géographie régionale des conflits 5The use of periurban space in France. A regional geography of social conflicts), in Etudes rurales, n°118-119, 1990, pp. 235-267.
* Philippe Cadène, Le développement de la petite industrie : le cas du marbre au Sud-Rajasthan (Development of small scale industry: the case of marble in South-Rajasthan), in Revue Tiers-Monde, n°119, 1989, pp. 673-694.
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