Peter Woodbridge

Peter Woodbridge is a Moving-Image & Digital Media Specialist and academic at Liverpool John Moores University. he was formerly at the Coventry University Department of Media and Communication. His research and scholarship includes instigating a number of innovations in Open Education within the Creative Arts and Humanities, including leading the development on projects with iTunes U and YouTube Edu which have helped to make thousands of hours of Open Educational Resources available freely online, resulting in millions of downloads and accesses. He has a number of research publications and book chapters in the area of digital media, surveillance cultures and the education in the era of networked societies. He is co-founder of the Liquid Theory TV project which is a collaboration between the King's College London and Coventry University and contributes to the work of the Centre for Disruptive Media as well as a number of other open educational publishing series
He has also led and participated in the development a number of significant research projects in the area of digital media and education in the Arts and Humanities for the AHRC, Jisc, UNDP and HEFCE as well as creating the world's first iPhone App for an Open Higher Education Class in Photography. He developed the free and open source university level Creative Activism Class (#creativactivism) which explores tactical uses of digital storytelling from January to April each year. He also co-founded the Cine Collective - an online open source class in digital cinematography.
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