Pete Lowe

Pete Lowe is a Labour Party politician and Trade Unionist from Stourbridge
Working Life
Pete Lowe became a nurse in 1989 and over the next 10 years worked in a number of hospitals in the NHS. In the 1990s he went on to lead one of the longest strikes in NHS history against plans to implement PFI in Dudley. The strike ended in ‘retention of employment model’, which, to this day, protects workers against the threat of PFI. <>
Pete Lowe was elected as a councillor in Dudley in 2006 representing the ward of Lye and Stourbridge North <>.
Pete Lowe was deputy leader from 2013-2014 and leader from December 2014 until May 2017, before resuming the role in September 2017 and stepped down in December 2017 due to his trade union committments <>
In June 2019 Pete announced his intention to stand for West Midlands Mayor in the 2020 elections <>
Trade Union career
Pete Lowe joined Unison from September 1999 to June 2009 as a Regional Officer
Since 2009 Pete Lowe has worked for Managers in Partnership and is currently the National Officer for the East and West Midlands
Private Life
Pete lives in Stourbridge and is married with two daughters
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