Paul T T Easter

Paul T T Easter is a British film maker and former actor. He has appeared in several BBC and TV dramas including , , , , and many costume and TV movies including Martin Chuzzlewit and . The indie films in which he has appeared include Beyond the Rave, Jack Said, and Malice in Wonderland. He played a variety of supporting roles until 2008, when he started to shoot his own films. Starting with the British Gangster film , Paul went on to gain a small cult following, with three micro-budget found-footage horror films, U Mugs (2012), Black Shuck 2012, and Thumb N It (2012). The plot of a fourth movie that year, Collateral Consequences, featured two industry stuntmen trying to outdo each other.
Further micro-budget productions, Assignment and Lone Walker, followed in 2013. The film Life Time (2014) is dedicated to Easter's mother, who passed away in December 2013. His mother had always believed in his film-making regardless of his movies' micro budgets. She had always been proud that her son had put so much effort into something that he had wanted to do since the age of ten.
In both interviews and social media, Easter has been critical of the movie industry. His own films sometimes reflect these same criticisms.
Paul recently announced that Life Time would mark the end of his micro budget films.
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