Paul Okhrem

Paul Okhrem is an IT entrepreneur experienced in digital product development and e-commerce. He is the CEO and co-founder of Elogic Commerce software development company and Uvik Software staff augmentation agency.
Early life and education
Paul Okhrem was born and raised in Chernivtsi, a little town in West Ukraine characterized by its cultural diversity and Austro-Hungarian architecture. As a child, he attended school No.1 in Chernivtsi and later switched to Chernivtsi Medical Liceum No.3. Still, his only passion since early childhood was technology.
In 2007, Paul got his first gig reinstalling Microsoft Windows for friends and acquaintances. Later, he got keen on WAP application development which allowed downloading music, images, and games and brought him his first money.
Eventually, Paul committed to technology and earned a Master’s Degree in Information Technology from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University in 2014 while already managing a small company founded during his university studies.
Another milestone in Paul’s education was an educational 2-month program of the Norwegian - Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce which sifted through the best 15 ambitious young entrepreneurs to study at Nord University, Bodø, Norway. The program also comprised lectures from the leading entrepreneurs of Norway and Ukraine, which gave Paul a solid understanding of the international markets.
Paul also participated in the Strategic Business Management program by SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) where he got priceless strategic management experience and the opportunity to learn from the best professors at the Stockholm School of Economics. Only six people were chosen for a program out of 200, and Paul was among the shortlisted candidates. The program took place in three phases in Stockholm, Kyiv, and Vlorë and allowed Paul to create the strategic plan for his first startup, Elogic Commerce.
As a teenager, Paul also spent much time doing sports. Boxing became his hobby which led him to participate in regional contests. At present, Paul is also keen on tennis and mountain biking.
Hess Incorporated and Macy’s
In 2011, Paul participated in a student exchange program called Work and Travel USA which gave him his first job as a Sales Associate. At Hess Incorporated, Paul gained much practice in interpersonal communication and a deeper understanding of the US business culture. Meanwhile, he also got a side job at Macy’s as a sales associate which gave him priceless experience selling luxury goods and communicating with high-end clients.
MTA (Multimedia)
In 2012, Paul was also a part of the multimedia and consumer technology company MTA. He was impressed that every employee would go through the intensive training course during their probation period, so he later adopted this approach in Elogic Academy.
Elogic Commerce
Paul started his first business, Elogic Commerce, in 2009 in collaboration with his friend and colleague Igor Iakovliev. The company is operating in the ecommerce industry and specializes in building, designing, and optimizing online stores. Under the supervision of Paul, the firm grew to 200+ ecommerce professionals and expanded its tech stack, services, and partnerships.
The company’s customers included big consulting agencies like Accenture as well as global retailers, such as Hanes Brands Inc., Univerre Group Switzerland, Carbon38, etc.
Uvik Software
In 2015, Okrem became the CEO of yet another venture, Uvik Software. The company provides IT staff augmentation services and sources back-end and front-end developers for clients worldwide. The agency focuses on bringing top talent to enhance the teams of international product companies with high-quality service and top-notch delivery standards. No client has ever ceased cooperation with Uvik since the beginning of the company’s existence.
Some of Uvik’s clients include famous Silicon Valley start-ups and product companies in narrow niches like public safety and security.
Projects and certifications
*2015 — ITP Strategic Business Management (Stockholm) by Sida;
*2015 — Young Entrepreneurs by Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC);
*2015 — Cisco Recharge IT by Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.
At present, Okhrem is also a member of Chernivtsi IT CEO Club and a resident at Chernivtsi Business Group. He also helps to set up international cooperation initiatives on behalf of Cluster BIT.
Paul is also an invited speaker at many conferences and podcasts speaking about key topics in his areas of expertise: ecommerce personalization, cryptocurrency in ecommerce, ML and AR, and, of course, Magento ecommerce platform.
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