Paul Bonner

Paul Bonner is a fantasy artist who has been producing high quality artwork for major fantasy gaming companies and others for roughly 20 years. His portfolio includes Games Workshop, FASA Corporation, Riotminds and Rackham. He has also illustrated several book covers, and a pair of posters for long-standing works in the fantasy genre (Tolkien and Lloyd Alexander). In 2008 his first collection of artwork 'Out of the Forests' was published. While not all-inclusive, it contained a sampling of most of his major projects. Bonner's work has also appeared numerous times in the yearly Spectrum art books.
Bonner's art work is notable for its use of vivid colors, contrast, and somewhat exaggerated features. Practically none of his work contains elves either, though most other 'standard' races are frequent. While typically depicting scenes of violence, few of his works actually show blood. Furthermore, his illustrations of typically savage creatures such as orcs, show a more sympathetic side than norm, including a fair amount of whimsy.
Paul Bonner's work has been featured in each recent Magic: The Gathering expansion, beginning with Eventide.
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