Pass the Turf

Pass the Turf
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Pass the turf is a traditional Irish outdoor non contact sport similar to Pass the parcel played with a burning sod of turf and at least two players. It is especially popular in Co. Kildare.

The game was invented by Jimmy "No Fingers" O'Kelly in 1847 and quickly became popular throughout the country. After the founding of the GAA however it saw a major decrease in activity as any member of the GAA who partook in any non-commissioned sport was stripped of his membership. This ban affected many other traditional games such as Pat the Donkey, Pluck the Chicken and Paint the Sheep. Today the game's major stronghold is in Co. Kildare and every year the Pass the Turf World Cup takes place in the town of Prosperous. In 1990 David "Crispy Palms" McDonnagh of Athy tried and failed in his attempt to have Pass the Turf recognised as an official Olympic Sport.

The game is played by two or more people and a burning sod of turf. The players must pass the turf using only their bare hands to each other to the music of a Ceili Band. Each time the music stops, the player who is holding the turf at the time must suffer a penalty as set by the rules of the locality. E.g The Maynooth Rules require the player to break of a piece of turf and put it in his/her mouth. In Straffan the player is obliged to clasp the sod tightly with both hands and say an Act of Contrition.
The player with the cleanest hands at the end wins. Surprisingly injuries in the sport are rare and any player who loses the use of a digit must immediately forfeit the game.

was said to have been a great advocate for the game and scene in the film in which he advices his men to use burning sods of turf as a weapon against the British is said to be a reference to his love of Pass the Turf.
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